That's gonna leave a mark!

If you are a dedicated Lexus fan and you love this model but just want a little more HP, don’t care about the price, don’t care about service issues, don’t care about your ability to sell it on latter to owner #5, then it’s worth a due diligence. Looks to me like a small potential customer base here however. For 22

You can buy one now (EcoSport) on EBay 2012 with just over 10,000 miles for 55,950 or best offer. Seller claims it was $125,000+ when new 2 years ago. Sounds like a nice discount for the buyer - or a nasty depreciation for the seller.

OK before YouTube and the internet chat forums we had just seat of the pants and if possible you bought a Chilton manual. If you were over your head, you didn’t know you needed one. Early 70s and I just took off the front end (cowl) of a TR3 to replace the radiator and water pump. That completed and pump and radiator

If these simple things are wrong, what else might might come up if you owned it say 4 years, 50,000 miles or for the second owner? We normally crucify GM for issues like these.

I got nothing. Don’t give a crap about this one one way or the other. Looking for the place to vote none of the above. Will let anyone else who cares vote.

I’m older than you and yes had my share of BL cars in the 70s & 80s. Absolute garbage compared to what small money can get you now. Downside is who will now be responsible for spreading oil over the roads to keep the dust down?

Sometimes a way overthought/tried too hard project begins to look a lot like a halfassed project .

Wow, everyone seems to be in a grumpy mood today. I will put this out there and let all the hate rain down.

Wow, perhaps you need to look into a move to, I don’t know, how about any other states besides IL and WI since you dislike them so much. I myself escaped IL a while ago and it’s almost as good of a feeling as kicking that nasty crack habit.

True but would not speed be only one criteria of which bike to use? Has anyone looked at cost and reliability issues of a HD vs a BMW? Don’t know, no dog in this fight,just asking.

What do you you need to figure out? My bar is bigger than your bar. What, do you have bar envy? What,more data on the chart? Facts only get in the way of a good story.

I’m out of here. I want to talk about cars. Plenty of other websites to get into these discussions.

Please a little warning when you post those things so we know when to look away.

All snapped up by gangsters. Look at the size of that trunk. No need to do any folding to the body.


It’s a cocktail lounge in your back seat! Who wouldn’t need one! Hey, pass me upfront a gin and tonic.

Forget the shower,you need to autoclave yourself.

But it’s rare! The often heard cry of sellers trying to come up with a (any) good selling point. As I have been told already, it’s rare that I shit my pants, but that doesn’t make it desirable. CP

This is a stunt driver in a commercial. Of course the cars appear to be unfazed after each stunt. They just keep replacing them with new ones. The old ones end up on Craigslist.

I swear officer, the car took off by itself. Must have been unintended acceleration.