
Alonzo Mosley, FBI?

Thankyou, it tasted very nice and thank Valerie for knowing that I like a splash of milk and one sugar.

Have an upvote for reminding me of Control and Tony.

Please, call me Garry.

She may well have played upfront for Fulchester.

I agree with Brandt that the William and Kate thing is pretty standard stuff for a major Royal Wedding in this country, fueled by papers like the Express and Mail. Diana's death was just plain crazy. I remember, at the time (probably the funeral), thinking, "What the fuck is going on?".

I sometimes think that the reaction in the UK to Princess Diana's death was a type of mass hysteria.

"X* said something and the internet** just lost it's mind!!!!"


I really don't like Mad Men. I gave it a huge try because people whose opinion I respect raved about it and I watched waaaay more episodes than I should have done knowing that I wasn't enjoying it. I think I disliked all of the characters I was supposed to be rooting for.

Misconceptions from childhood which carried on into adulthood waaay longer than they should have……….I always thought they were called teetotalers because they totally just drank tea instead of booze.

No Adomian?

In general I think the best word I can use of to describe how the the British people felt about him was 'affectionate'.

21stCenturyPeon is right. Us Brits actually really did like him, and still do when he crops up now and again. I think we view him as someone who gave something a go no matter that the odds were genuinely against him, what's not to like about that? Even if he did come last and was viewed comically I think people really

*stabs own eyes and ears*

Unfortunately, for some reason. this article just makes me think of Mrs Brown's Boys. Urgh.

I swear these are real. They are bona fide UK Christmas staples. Slade's (lead singer Noddy Holder - I'm not making this up) hit 'Merry Christmas Everbody' is unbelievably ubiquitous. Don't get me started on Shakin' Stevens - Google him please - The UK's 80's foremost Elvis impersonating 'entertainer'.

Your instincts serve you well.

Over here in England this list would full of Slade, Wizzard, Mud and Shakin' fucking Stevens.

I regularly relisten to Harris and Adam Scott doing the Jack Sjunior/Brian Pieces bit from the first Farts and Procreation and it never fails to have me crying with laughter, which is, after all, what motherfuckers just want to do.