
"Timmy……fetch me my tools"

When Kroll made the "died of an overdose" gag in the first SXSW CBB my heart sank a bit for Aukerman.

I've been listening to all of Harris' episodes of Analyse Phish, CBB, Who Charted etc etc etc. It's sad but it helps me trick myself into thinking he's not gone.

Christ, that wasn't hyperbole. It really was heartbreaking.

Attempted Scottish in Maleficient too!

He's a supernova of distracting accents!

Scott handled that CBB brilliantly and Harris knew us nerds on Podmass would lap it up. The last montage was so funny and so sad. Think of all the jokes we'll never hear.

The loss of Harris can't just be shuffled off stage right from the Newswire - it needs to stay for all time.

This is really awful loss. I normally don't go in for the mourning-of-famous-people thing but this one is fucking devastating. Terrorist Wittels made me laugh so fucking much. Foam Corner, Farts and Procreation, Parks, Analyse Phish and countless other times. A great great loss and one which the comedy community will


That's true and I find it a bit annoying that the article feels the need to point out her age anyway. As if her age makes it anymore a shame.

For accuracy's sake I believe it is Dave's sleepwalking montage.

And if they're fucking with us I'm going to hunt them down because it's cruel and they should SHUT THEIR WHORE MOUTHS.

I watch the original relatively regularly and yes, it really does hold up.

Don't get me wrong, I hope this is great - as I do all films, but I'm not hopeful. If it's balls I can just go back to watching the original, minimal harm done.

….By Mennen….

's Bin a while…

I would have gone for the more accent consistent "fackin' cants" to "fookin' coonts" at the end there.

I fucking love Criminal Minds. It is without doubt the best comedy on TV, and played so straight! The recent one where some women murdered guys and thought she was Cinderella was comedy gold. Spencer Reid pretending to be Prince Charming with the pornstar glass shoe made me do a spit take. Long live this

Loved it. Gave me goosebumps. I trust in Abrams.