
Garon, look that up.

I'm starting to think the Scheele twins did it.

He did and if I remember correctly it was titled "In Dillman's Grove"

Late 70's Neil Young.

As with most comedy, people latch on to the best lines and repeat them, because often they are the ones fellow fans recognise - it's a shared, community thing. I have listened to a lot of podcast comedy (and therefore P.F.Tompkins) but U Talkin U2 To Me is, for me, by far the best. So much so that I frequently go back

Ooooh, the same as Terrorist Wittels.

Yep. But slighty more prolific.

Good ep.

So just to be clear, this is just going to be a stream of references from everyone's favourite Huey Lewis and Billy Joel podcast, right? Because it fucking well better be. By the way, my fuckstyle is 1950's grizzled sea captain.

Yeah, the 'little boy who wanted to be a big boy' is brilliant.

I've been loving the Adam Scott Aukerman 'You Talkin' U2 to me?' podcast and they have a ton of running gags (Scott and Scott passing the iPod lead and dropping it, referring to U2 as the loveable lads from Liverpool, Scott exclaiming "By the way, you're listening to "you talkin U2 to me") but I think my favourite is

Werner Herzog to direct, although he won't let the public see, or even hear, the ending as it's too disturbing.

I've always liked the way that some words are turned around just by adding 'the' to the beginning.

I certainly remember the first time I saw that and thinking, "Did they really just show that? Did that thing just smush Billy The Kids face?"

It's true, the electric 'zzt', for that is what it shall now be known, plays a big part in the unsettling nature of it.

Keri Russell's death in MI:3 still really freaks me out - the little explosive thing in her head going off and her eyes going all kablooey. Urgh.

I bet Bobby still can't fly.


There's lots to choose from in Romero's work alone but Joe Pilato's
death in this is hands down my favourite zombie related demise in any
film. Awesome.

Aaahhhhh 'All Shows' button is back. I love that little fucker and was missing him. Only partially sure why.