
Pfffff if at 34 we actually wore the clothes we thought were cool at 6, we'd get hauled off to the circus. ^^ When I was 6, I think I wanted nothing more out of life than to wear a conical hat with a veil hanging off the point, like the princesses wore on TV. If you get married in one of those, you end up an

He has some sort of superpower of maximum affability. I just love him. I love his terrible 90's rap. I love his moonbat kids. I love him in Independence Day, a film in which human beings beat super-advanced invading aliens by punching them in the face and then HACKING THE MAINFRAME of their city-sized spaceship with a

I have such a blind spot when it comes to Will Smith, considering he's produced two annoying children he insists on forcing upon us AND he hasn't made a good movie in like a decade. He will always be amazing, to me.

Ha! I think the old version used to be, "Even God needed a rough draft."

Can we give Adultosaur her own Gawker blog in which she would just post overreactions to every piece of minor-Taylor Swift/One Direction news? Because I'm pretty sure I would make that my homepage.


cp >>>>>>>>>> bc

Leading to the same question I ask of anyone working-class, middle-class, or a woman, or LGBT or really, any minority in the country, even those with money: How can you align yourself with these people who do not respect you, do not want to speak to or for your interests and issues, and take every chance to remind

Most of them probably aren't even being lead by political beliefs. They are being led by mob mentality and knee jerk holier-than-thou reflex.

Because too many people are just waiting to be outraged and have no sense of nuance. They are led by their political beliefs and nothing else.

I know how we're "supposed" to feel about this around here, but I have to echo another commenter: If burns on a 16mo baby weren't enough to justify her taking her baby to the hospital, I'm not sure she should have custody at this point. Seriously.. google "16mo baby." And imagine burns.

My list of fashion disasters is endless. Let's see:

I wore press on nails. Press. On. Like with little stickers. Why were we all obsessed with giant, square nails?

Body glitter.

Graham urged activists to rejoin the debate, and understand why people like him could support exceptions for rape and incest in abortion bills. "Some disagree, including the Pope," he said. "I respect those who are intellectually consistent and honest."

I'm afraid that I can't abide by this. It isn't transphobic for women to talk about their bodies. Not everything is about everyone all of the time.

There are gross out feelings here because IT IS FUCKING GROSS!

Nah. Fucking your teenaged daughter is objectively wrong. NEXT.

Oh for fuck's sake. THIS is the exact type of comment people are talking about when they talk shit about Jezebel commenters.