Well, thats because the operator starts to open his hand as he moves the hand down. What if you go down with a fist (rock) and as the robot starts to move oooops, sicisors! eh? eh? eh? Yeah... computers to me...
Well, thats because the operator starts to open his hand as he moves the hand down. What if you go down with a fist (rock) and as the robot starts to move oooops, sicisors! eh? eh? eh? Yeah... computers to me...
I actually thought the title meant this.
That teaser was better than Monsters University teaser.
I must say... for some reason... Ive never had brain freeze...
I think she was trying to look at it better, not trying to save the corpse of a whale. Maybe she was trying to count the sharks, and since she couldnt do it thats why the title of the article says a HUNDRED sharks.
That music doesnt fit at all with the video.
I must say that for me the pay off of this cliffhanger is not in Part 2, but in the next episode "Family", at the end, when Picard suddenly burst into tears over what he has done as a Borg.
I must say that while "The best of both worlds" was a great cliffhanger, it didnt actually paid off... the next episode wasnt too good. But I admit that the next one (the second one) had a great ending with Picard suddenly bursting out in tears over what happened.
While I agree thats what made Spiderman Spiderman. In this clip you can feel a bit of anger in his comments, like if being snarky is a way to torture a guy that is scared and already defeated. Usually in the comics he did it during fights, to irritate or to have fun himself, not in a punishing way.
For the amounts of clips we have seen, maybe there is TOO much of Spider-jerk in this movie. And Garfield cant do what Robert Downey Junior did in Iron Man, he doesnt have enough charm. In this clip, he reminds me too much of Shia Labeouf... thats not good.
Well.. we will always have this:
Stop calling Extended Cuts "Directors Cut". Most Extended Cuts lose the pacing of the original film, and are just the "decent" cut scenes pasted together in the movie and they hardly have anything to do with the directors job. Even if the director likes the deleted scenes, Josh Weddon said the Captain America's scenes…
In some place in the Superman Movie commentary or documentary or something, they say that before Donner's movie it was simply S=Superman, but he wanted it to be the symbol for his family (during the begining you see other symbols that are just random symbols, Jor El's just happens to be an S)
"#7: Come up with your ending before you figure out your middle. Seriously. Endings are hard, get yours working up front."
I LOVED The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 2.
Because for combat you should show more skin that you do in your normal clothes? Another case of the Female Armour Sucks.
And even LARGER
Well, in the first one he learned that it was good to be Nostalgic... Thats why he rebuilted the Mark I and Mark II
This two clearly were meant to fit together