I know, that was the theory many had. But the silver slippers appeared in official promos and still shots from the movie.
I know, that was the theory many had. But the silver slippers appeared in official promos and still shots from the movie.
Seems like they have recoloured Spidermans silver slippers...
Whatever the plot. Is still a Iron Man vs Iron Man again. And since in all the movies its been stated that the suits made by the bad guys are simply less advanced (since this one probably evolved from the MarkII suit, im guessing it will be the same) than Iron Man's, there are no stakes in this fights.
Good, because we didnt have enough copycats of Iron man in the previous two movies. Are there many more Iron Man Suits in the Iron Man universe?
Its just a viral video for the World War Z movie.
Here is what you should be seeing (less subtle).
So.... Prometheus trailer?
You should watch Timecrimes
I didnt mean he created them, i meant there are traces of Selick's style in their actions and methods.
Im sorry, but in a movie like this, the Shooting is not as relevant as in other movies. He wrote the story, designed the characters and the sets. There are many drawings of him of Oogie Boogie, the monsters, Santa, Jack, Sally, the doctor... He and Danny Elfman wrote the songs for the movie, wich (i dont know if youve…
Thats like Return of the Jedi not being a George Lucas film. Enough with that already, everybody knows what Henry Selick did, and even so, Nightmare before Christmas is a Tim Burton film.
Dead dog:
Wow... Seems like someone is under the hype of having just seen the Avengers.
I would like to see a youtube video compilation with all the awkward moments in comic book movies, in wich they say a catchphrase or the stupid name of a character, trying to put it in "as a joke".
People I know are extremely confused by this movie. They dont know the differences between MARVEL and DC, and they havent seen much of Captain America or Thor. So they think they just did a movie with random characters with movies that didnt have anything to do (Captain America was a WW2 movie, and they think Thor is…
Red State should have ended this way.
Now I wish to know wich digit is more present in those 4000000 digits.
I dont understand why the justifications to why the message is bad in other movies like Wall-E dont apply to Planet of the Apes.