Kenny Jay Kindrick

Leia, Schmeia. Where's my Mon Mothma doll?

No. Don't presume to speak for "guys". You speak only for yourself and the litte microcosm of society you live in.

I think Sansa's "I know what you want" wasn't meant as "I know everything you want", but rather "I know you want me." I think she's come to the realization that being desirable to Littlefinger, whether it's for being a replacement goldfish for Cat, as a political pawn, or both, gives her a measure of power and safety


I've seen comments on youtube with more substance.

Say what you want about DA2, Aveline's armor was perfect

I suppose the important thing to note about Mandalorians is that they place a high value on individuality, which I think shoes through perfectly in this character. I don't quite see why everyone is so mad that the Mandalorians became something other than just a faceless army of psychopaths. As Matt said, if you're

The Mandalorians were originally a warrior species called the Taung who, following a war with the humans of Coruscant, settled a planet they called Mandalore after their leader, Mandalore the First and started calling themselves Mandalorians. Over time, other species who were impressed with the Mandalorians' combat

Why is "Sabine the sassiest, feistiest tomboy-with-a-little-bit-of-attitude to ever grace a boy's action cartoon"? Ashoka Tano is a great character and one of the best parts of the Clone Wars cartoons. This isn't just a boys action cartoon either. Why do people flame when Disney adds girls characters, or kids

Age: 15