Kenny Jay Kindrick

It’s far easier to see him as a crazed psycho who is in cahoots with people who hate America than unpack why, in modern America, a supposed wellspring of diversity and liberty, a man with such different points of view/experiences on life cannot get it together and prosper? How complicit is the father and his

“Everyone has fucking depression and anxiousness.”

Nope, no they don’t and I would bet he has no idea what either are in real life.

I certainly didn’t understand the difference between depression and just feeling down and anxiety vs worrying.

As a Hispanic, I’m offended that the white male you’re talking about didn’t also take umbrage with the fact that the Resistance’s ace pilot/top gun X-Wing maven is portrayed by a Latino.

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Hillary did better than anyone expected yesterday. There was a moment where she shot a glance at this Senator, I forget which one, after he turned his attitude up a little too loud and you could feel him shrinking in his seat. She may as well have screamed at him “I told everyone to check their fucking priviledge at

I guess it was more about having power and sway over his female colleagues than it was about noodz

Dude-I get where you're going with this and certainly classim is a serious issue. But are really...really sitting here as a white male and saying people NEED to realize that sexism and racism are not the biggest issues? I mean, wow how easy for you to say as someone who has not for 1 second experienced life as a black

200 cubic centimeters of throbbing dick is like.... 7.8” by 3.9” x 3.9”, so long and horrifyingly thick. Like, the thickness of a two-liter bottle. Or I guess if you evened it out, you could make it 18” of regular-thickness dick.

I get the feeling the only people using the gay bathrooms would be “straight” guys trying to score on the DL... like some state senators, maybe. And then they’d be super bummed when all the gay people are just peeing and the only people DTF are their fellow senators.

“Welcome to Pregnancies Alternatives where we specialize in nonbortions”.

When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!

Wanted to get in early with this one:

Half of me agrees with you, but the other half is offended.

Leave us alone. Math is hard. Especially when your mind is addled by testosterone.

this would have been a cool moment for her to say that these topics shouldn't cause drama because they should be discussed maturely between partners. And that her episode was supposed to highlight that.

If "bootstraps" fucked a yogurt commercial, the bastard offspring would be "Love yourself more."

I'm guessing it will be similar to the Taco Bell/Doritos collaboration.

Uppity. I think they mean uppity.