Ricardo Landgrave

Except poor people go to prison when they fuck up.


Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre, I mean the 1er

It means all the purists are going to cause an uproar. QUICK BREAK OUT THE PITCHFORKS!

inb4 someone uses a Adam Sandler Gif.

Well I live in Turkey and this is exactly my feeling right now.

Ha good point, I wasn’t even thinking about simulating these effects simultaneously! E.g. speedball: “Oh crap I’m dead. How’s my driving?”

Yeah SWIM calls bullshit. Description of suit’s actions does sound like a valid simulation for driving with kids in the car though.

Sounds like whomever invented this suit never took any actual drugs. Ford likely made sure to find the most sober engineer to create the thing.

This reminds me of the time I did a drunk driving simulator. I got home just fine. Practice makes perfect!

Did you guys record this through a walkie-talkie? Who’s revving the car, and why does he have to go from park to drive, back to park so much? Why am I asking so many questions? Find out on the next Dragon Ball Z..

There’s a bit of grumble when the revs first start to rise but then it just turns to whooshing air. We need a video of it under load, hopefully it won’t sound as boring then.

It isn’t more than the car is worth anymore. On Priuses and Insights, there’s a cottage industry where you can buy reman batteries for $1k or so. Leaf is undoubtedly more expensive right now, but I bet it gets cheaper.

Tavarish is always reminding us that you can buy a used S-Class for the price of a half-eaten Almond Joy and a bottle of dishwashing soap.

In that case just get a used Versa.