
video game prostitution kinda lol.

Hanzo: “My little brother can’t be this cute”

Can’t say i am surprised.

Who gives a shit about people who get up in arms over digital tits. If anyone Shouldn’t be taken seriously its these people

The season passes are expensive because there is a shit load of content in them. Individually costumes are still more reasonably priced than other games. And they keep making them because clearly people like to buy them. Other games simple don’t have the same amount of stuff released to even make a big season pass

What are you even talking about? Doa5LR is by far the best doa. Its not even up to debate

Yep sadly its pretty damn clear how much damage doa4 being such a shitty game has done to the community and the perception of doa as a competitive game in general

Great article. I am still not sure if female only events are the way to go to get female players into the comp scene. I understand why they exist though.

That character design is so bad. Really sucks that they turned him into just another buff guy.

Gameplay looks pretty good but the enemies just tank all the hits without flinching, really hope this changes

Nioh dlc and trying out nioh pvp. Also finally female character skins

Because His Controller Isn’t Properly Malfunctioning

People like you are the reason why so many think someone is some gamergate shithead because they used sjw to mock someone

I just don’t see these games being great comp games especially pubg

Doing work

Capcom better get creative with character choices.

Infinity stones are basically arcanas from arcana heart

Yeah the localizer is wrong here. There wasn’t supposed to be a reference to the KKK so leaving it in in the us version would create a joke/reference that isn’t there in the original. if the japanese version had something that referenced a japanese racist group which then referenced the kkk in the us version then sure

What a god awful artstyle. Chun looks freaking terrible. Morrigan was already bad but they managed to make chun even worse somehow