one long range user (magic, shoryukens, what have you)
one long range user (magic, shoryukens, what have you)
Bring it on Nioh. I am ready
Load times between deaths were pretty short in the alpha/betas
Its a full series.
My recommendations.
Since we established that Reaper’s taste doesn’t begin and end with linkin park and co.
guilty gear and blazblue. All is well
Yup and limit it to only 1 vote
Hm in no particular order my top 5 would probably be something like
Stupid rule. Its a form of taunting. A player not losing focus because of the opponents taunts is also what makes a good player.
Ctf could work with maps made specifically for it.
Yeah lets reset the flag capturing when taking even a single point of dmg that is gonna be fun when every time even if there is no enemy you still have to deal with all symmetra lasers and a torb turret
Upcoming senran kagura spin off
Might wanna get your eyes checked then
Peach beach splash is getting vr as dlc after release
Doa 5 exists you know that right? And its the best doa aswell
Yes it looks like she grows to easily twice her normal size. Again it was dumb with broly but he was already tall in normal form. With her it looks even more stupid.
How could you even arrive at the conclusion that i might think buff woman cannot be sexy because of what i said? We are talking about a female broly lookalike which isn’t remotely close to being just buff. Not to mention i even said that i find broly’s look crazy to begin with but broly is atleast one of the taller…
Story mode looking awesome.