I don’t give a crap about 4k right now. who the hell buys 4k tvs right now. Just like with 720p and 1080p tvs, prices for these tvs will drop drastically in the next like two years. i wanted them to show me a reason to upgrade now.
I don’t give a crap about 4k right now. who the hell buys 4k tvs right now. Just like with 720p and 1080p tvs, prices for these tvs will drop drastically in the next like two years. i wanted them to show me a reason to upgrade now.
That was complete shit.
Wouldn’t even mind. Bouncer was fun
Given that it is not announced at sony’s conference and that team ninja is busy with dissidia and platinum games is busy with nier on top of other projects for both companies it is probably for phones
Ace combat style swat cats game when?
Still cannot believe this actually happend. That Something so harmless and silly could cause such a crazy reaction and my god is that polygon article stupid.
Honestly think its pretty dumb how when it comes to male characters and diverse designs that if the art is stylized you quickly get over the top or goofy looking characters much prefer how female characters are stylized in their designs but you never really get super crazy stuff.
As if the game wasn’t a bad enough insult by itself the end of it takes it to a whole new level and makes it seem like the whole point of the game was actually to shit on the series and its fans in every way possible.
Yes little fanfare + the ps4 launch and no ps4 version and still sold more than 5 mil
Because they are only similiar on the absolute surface level and the constant bringing up of souls games for nioh does the game a disservice by making it seem like some form of a souls clone when mechanically they couldn’t be more different
Slower throw speeds were stupid as hell and it was pretty much impossible to throw punish whiffed holds which alone completely breaks the triangle system of doa
But they are working on doa6. The updated character models will be used in doa6
Last round dlc is good though. Ye there is a lot of it and the big season passes are expensive. But the actual dlc pricing is some of the better ones.
More like with doax3 team ninja is also doing work for doa6 since some of the female cast already has its updated models now
Silly stuff lol
Itagaki’s last doa was doa4 the worst in the series. Since he left they made doa5 and its revisions and 5 is easily the best
Final Fanasy IX. Brilliant
We are (not) getting 3.o+1.0