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I think Fahey was talking about Persona 5 but I think he forgets that P5 was originally a PS3 game and the switch is way stronger than a PS3. The only difference between p5 of PS3 and PS4 are resolution. Atlus didn’t even upgrade the frame rate. It’s 720p30 on PS3 and 1080p30 on PS4.

4 has better characters. 3 has the best story. 5 is the most playable and stylish. 1&2 are nothing like the modern personas.

Yes make it on the switch!!! These are PS2 graphics it could easily be ported to the switch. Especially since the Vita and switch are both based on ARM architecture. A 1080p p4g on switch could easily be done.

Microsoft and Sony have both announced their expandable storage options. Both will allow external hard drives connect to their USB 3.0 ports for backwards compatible games.

Has to be free. Once they start charging for the service Microsoft will sue.

Yeah.. it’s like the eastern Orthodox Church doesn’t exists.

GPU>CPU for gaming. The design of the xbox, Xbox 360 and PS4 proved that.

Supposedly the PS5 will be a little weaker. Rumors have it pegged between 9.2 to 11.4 Teraflops, Sony is probably thermally tied by their system design. That’s why Microsoft went full PC desktop. The PS5 will have faster RAM, instead of only 10 of the 16 @ 560, all 16 GBs will be 560GB for the PS5.


Ff6 desperation attacks were the influence of limit breaks. Nomura had minimal impact on the story, the most he had was a little bit of cloud's too cool for school attitude, which he carries on to the rest of his characters he had more influenced on.

But he wasn’t instrumental. He just designed the characters looks not their background or story.

Thats Nomura for you. I really dunno how he became the god king of the FF franchise.

Yeah but Midgar itself is now 20+ hours and they needed to use at least 2 Blurays, so more than 50GB.

I agree. Ever since Activision bought Blizzard, there has been a major lack of quality control. It's just pump out as much as possible.

Yes because the switch is a portable system with a battery that drains when not in use.

PS3 sold at a huge loss. The first gen ps3 sold at a $200 loss per unit. It wasn’t until the super slim that Sony made a profit.

Thats good. Too many good games were being released in March and April.

Yuke’s doesn’t make the game anymore. Now visual concepts is in full control after being a co- developer for the past 5 years. Hopefully for the PS5 and Scarlett Visual Concepts develops a new engine. This game has been using the same engine for over 25 years now.

First Final Fantasy and JRPG I ever played. Ruined the genre for me when I realized no other JRPG would compare.