
Except that you need the materials to MAKE these cars that nobody wants. No one wants a Cruze at its current prices. So if the cost goes up by 15% to manufacture it because of tariffs, then guess what? You take a razor thin profit margin car and now you’re REALLY underwater. If tariffs were reduced and GM could

“It is clear the tariff and economics problems are the fault of the Democrat controlled house.”

Trump creates a tariff problem that costs GM billions - then begs them to keep a plant open thats no longer profitable - huh???

Funny, we grew up with our government regularly bailing out these huge companies like they’re public charities...

... has the potential to land CEOs and CFOs in jail.

My first job out of college was in financial services, working in the headquarters of one of the big insurance companies. The heads up about a layoff was your team being called to the cafeteria for a random meeting, and crossing paths with the HR guy heading to your little corner of the cube farm with a bunch of boxes

Define what is the in the best interests of shareholders.

3rd: I really wish manufacturers would stand up for themselves instead of dumping all their money into what investors think will make them money. Between Uber and Lyft no one is going to download yet another app to try and find a ride from an even smaller pool of drivers. Ridesharing wont work for most of rural or

The amount of drag from those side view mirrors is a huge issue in today’s world of trying to get the most mileage out of cars.

i saw a circa 1978 or so Civic at the library last week and i immediately fell back in love w/those cars. So tiny, its perfect. I hope this thing comes to the USA - ill be wanting a new DD in a few years. 

Your opinion on this car is wrong and that is OK.

I think that’s exactly what I like about it! But I kind of figured they were going for the classic Civic look.

It looks to me like a ‘82 Rabbit went into the Tron universe... and I fucking love it! I’d buy this as a second car in a heartbeat.  It all depends on price.

I agree. If this comes to the US, I want it.

I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree. This is a very good looking new car in the sea of crossover hell.

I don’t know about “captivating,” but it sure is good looking in my opinion.

Super clean and good-looking car. Reminds me of the Japanese cars of the nineties, and I’m 100% on board with this. Hope it doesn’t change much... mirrors may need to in the U.S., but the entire rest of it is what interests me.

This design looks cool for an EV because it just looks like a cool car. It’s not extremely futurey. It doesn’t look like the high-tech bean that car manufacturers seem to think we want in an EV. It just looks like a really cool little car.

As someone who would have both an EV and another car, I really like this.

Like, really like. The range leaves something to be desired, but if this is a supplement to an IC car (Which it likely will be) it would be an excellent choice. It’s not so bland looking as the leaf, and if it’s inexpensive, I would absolutely