Sanjay O'Brien

I've been emulating Sonic Advance 2 on my phone, and it's easily my favorite Sonic game of the bunch. I wondered why, then realized that it wasn't the game, but rather the use of quick-loading save states that made the experience good.

God's Not Dead With a Vengeance
God's Not Dead: Tokyo Drift
God's Not Dead Beyond
God's Not Dead 3: Dream Warriors

I will only accept this change if Sansa Stark wears mirrored aviator glasses and rocks a Ron Swanson-esque mustache.

*Elmo angrily tweets Spike Lee's address*

Too soon!

Detect Racism and Detect Sexism were both spells introduced in the 3.5 supplement Politically Correct Arcana. It also included an archetype for the Paladin that replaced Smite Evil with Smite Hegemony.

This is the internet. If there's a thing or person out there, you'll find a group of twats gathered on the internet to sanctimoniously hate that thing or person.

"Excuse me sir, do you want to help save the animals/children/Earth?"


Yeah, I'd get a bad reaction from the hair and dander.

I have no idea who the hell this is. I only clicked this link because I misread it as "Sean Connery's new standup album" and was understandably confused.

I don't know. He reminds me of a quasi-philosophical college freshman stoner kid, but in an endearing kind of way.

-Terminator theme plays ominously in the background-

The only Marvel Zombies story I read involved a crossover with Ash "Evil Dead" Williams. That was a fun one.