
Saying mostly men do this without explanation reinforces that this is “male,” that certain behaviours are innately rather than culturally masculine or feminine, which is obviously dangerous.

No, this is someone getting called out as a moron for making a mildly annoying issue on Twitter about gender when there is no actual evidence to show that it has anything to do with gender. I know my “Mansplaining” may “Mantrigger” you, but I’m not “Mansorry” and I never will be. Not everything is about gender, no

Counterpoint: Stop adding the “Man-” prefix to everything you don’t like. You’re doing nothing but making a gender issue out of something that has nothing to do with gender. Your examples of “Manthreading” (ugh) aren’t even directed at or about women. They’re just people breaking up their lengthier thoughts on

It will be once she realizes the backlash she’s getting for making such a convoluted point solely in the service of slamming men for some gender-based axe she needed to grind is genuine. THEN it will be “satire” and none of us were deep enough to “get it”.

Probably because we’re men, I’m guessing.

“Man” is just a straight-up pejorative now, apparently.

Don’t forget that everything that is wrong in this word is due to men. Dropped your coffee? Thanks Obama Men.

Another, “men shut up,” post.

<THREAD> I’m now hearing Jezebel is leaking again.

It’s Anna Merlan. She’s still pissed that Sargon blew her the fuck out in a debate on GG ages ago. So now she makes these passive aggressive jabs. Notice how there was no claim in the article about GG being involved?