
I can’t believe I’m living in a time of the most coddled and useless youth, and you entitled children keep talking about “nazis” - you’ve taken fascism to a whole new level.

When you talk about the “fascists”, are you talking about the old school ones or the current leftist version?

I don’t get your issue with his statement.

The fact that you dismiss opinions you don’t like as nothing more than bigotry is a much better indication of prejudice than any of your examples.

As long as the discussion recognizes that power in large tech companies still fundamentally remains with white engineer dudes and white finance dudes.

“Prejudice” is simply an adjective that describes one who has “prejudged”. There is enough published science on gender differences to say that this man’s comments were grounded in scientifically observed gender differences.

All of this fear that “Nazis” want to “take away rights” yet time and time again, it’s the Leftitst orthodoxy that smashes anyone who diverts from the herd. Weird!

Here’s the problem with the “well they did it first argument.” You just give ammo to the other side, which can now say “The left believes you shouldn’t get housing if you’re going to an alt-right rally, but boy will they be up in arms if you don’t bake a cake for a gay couple.”

Treating someone differently because of something they say isn’t the same as treating someone differently because of something they are.

Wait, how is this not discrimination? The reason why people rent a place (out), is not AirBnB’s business. When people were declining to rent out to Asians or African Americans, the world cried out and AirBnB was forced to make a statement about it.

Prejudices are prejudices, but people’s opinions are not prejudices just because you want them to be. That you think you can rationalize your hatefulness against a group of people behind some false prejudice label is disgusting and goes against every principle you claim to uphold.

Anyone who has been around long enough to have an informed perspective knows that men are more likely (he does say that traits overlap) to put in the extra hours, take on more stressful jobs and accept more danger. He did point out that men suffer 93% of deaths on the job which somewhat buttresses his point.

Welp, this is gonna be a fun commment’s section.

Summarily dismissing the screed as being “anti-diversity” is exactly the problem it was outlining. Ms. Conger, it’s difficult to have discussions with people that prefer to affix labels out of some misguided sense of moral superiority. Listening to other perspectives, whether you agree with them or not, is just part

But doesn’t your point of view also reinforce El Zurdo’s idea that he shouldn’t be “the one” representative for Mexican Latinos and that his white friends shouldn’t look to him as the expert?

You put a lot of words in other peoples mouths.

Blackwashing? They picked an awesome actor to play an important role that was not defined by race.

Yes I know what you mean. But I still think that positions race as only an issue for minorities when it’s an issue for everyone. The ‘black experience’ is one experience of race relations in America, but like you say not the only one - the Asian experience too, the Latino experience, but last but not least the white

so in the instance of this movie, in your mind:

“In my mind, yeah. Because Tilda Swinton, who had no relationship with all before this, tapped her as the One Asian Friend and went from “hey, can we talk about this” to “oh wise Asian, please enlighten me as to how we can make the entire world a better place?”