
But doesn’t your point of view also reinforce El Zurdo’s idea that he shouldn’t be “the one” representative for Mexican Latinos and that his white friends shouldn’t look to him as the expert?

You put a lot of words in other peoples mouths.

Blackwashing? They picked an awesome actor to play an important role that was not defined by race.

Yes I know what you mean. But I still think that positions race as only an issue for minorities when it’s an issue for everyone. The ‘black experience’ is one experience of race relations in America, but like you say not the only one - the Asian experience too, the Latino experience, but last but not least the white

so in the instance of this movie, in your mind:

“In my mind, yeah. Because Tilda Swinton, who had no relationship with all before this, tapped her as the One Asian Friend and went from “hey, can we talk about this” to “oh wise Asian, please enlighten me as to how we can make the entire world a better place?”

Because Tilda Swinton, who had no relationship with all before this, tapped her as the One Asian Friend and went from “hey, can we talk about this” to “oh wise Asian, please enlighten me as to how we can make the entire world a better place?”

I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.

so are you mad that a black actor was then cast in place of a white guy or nah? Just curious where your outrage is at on this.

Can I reply to this sentiment because I am honestly curious about this.

Being white means nothing in this situation. Here was one human being trying to earnestly relate to another human being of a different culture, and then said other person went on to be a two-faced ass about it for no reason.

It’s Anna Merlan. She’s still pissed that Sargon blew her the fuck out in a debate on GG ages ago. So now she makes these passive aggressive jabs. Notice how there was no claim in the article about GG being involved?