
It has always been true that we get the politicians we deserve. The snarky and divisive comments are irrelevelent. Trump was elected and WILL be the next president. I think that liberals and progressives do not have a fear of Trump. They have a deep and as yet unrealized fear that his changes will work.

I am amazed at the utter lack of reason is declaring carbon based energy sources, coal in particular, as bad and evil. They are carbon rich energy sources that were created over millions of years of heat and pressure. Very cost effective. To just dismiss the benefits over the detriments is narrow sighted,

“Federal agencies should be led by officials with demonstrated track records of respecting science as a critical component of decision making,”. Under the Trump Administration, decisions will now be based in science, not politics as has been in the last 8 years.

When the government and the progressive group-think unamiously states man made global warming is a fact, and that anyone disputing that should be shunned, ridiculed, removed from thier positions, whatever, is when their position is purely policaly and not based in science.

I’m not going to be surprised with some GMA or other gene tinkering leads to a real problem. Our top scientists are monkeys playing with matches in a dynamite factory. They do not have the knowledge to the intricaces and subtlities of gene modification. Nature has spent billions of years, though natural evolution

You peeps need to read more about government officals having no idea why Russia does what they do. Anyone who thinks they know are merely spectulating. So, we can’t really determine is Clinton intended to evade federal laws with a persoanl email server, but the CIA knows not only that Russia hacked, but it was for

I wonder if the Author also posted about the countless security briefing Mr Obama missed.

Yea I know, conseratives are going to push granny off the cliff, and pollute the water and air. Progressives  just don’t get that they have pushed too far. Politically correct is least of all correct.

The US does not have the financial resources to waste on our own rail. Rail travel in the northeast is constrained by the reality of track locations. Track radius, slow speed zones, not in my backyard etc are facts. The cost to actually allow high speed rail travel in the US far, far, far outweighs the benefit.

I am very encouraged when I see the media continue to miss the point of Trump’s election. The US does not have unlimited finanical resources. The county is center right. The progressives with the leadership of soon to be former Pres Obama have pushed the country too far left. The progressive agenda of

In a related story, 95% of all scientists believe that the creation of a supermassive black hole is cause by current rleses of greenhouse gasses into earth’s atmosphere. Al Gore, wealthy global warming opportunist said, “..any politicians who denies that CO2 is reponsible for the super massive blacke hole should be

Opps, the author’s bias is showing....

The problem with funding is that there is simply not enough to go around. This kind of story illustrates a significant issue in the USA. It easy to say we don’t spend enough on NASA or health insurance for the poor. Adults today (and I use that term loosely) are not making adult decisions. IT IS STUNNINGLY

“no limits to free speech” WAAAAY to fucking far