classic rookie mistake. Now some people might suggest flipping the sausages, but what is this? North Korea!
classic rookie mistake. Now some people might suggest flipping the sausages, but what is this? North Korea!
classic rookie mistake. Now some people might suggest flipping the sausages, but what is this? North Korea!
classic rookie mistake. Now some people might suggest flipping the sausages, but what is this? North Korea!
The Johnsonville bun warmer can be yours for 3 easy payments of 19.99.
The Johnsonville bun warmer can be yours for 3 easy payments of 19.99.
why spend 15 minutes cooking sausages on the stove like a chump when you can spend 80$ and 15 minutes cooking sausages in a penis shaped mold.
why spend 15 minutes cooking sausages on the stove like a chump when you can spend 80$ and 15 minutes cooking…
“I’m thinking about boycotting it outright”
I’ll be honest, I havent read this whole thread.
I enjoyed Goblin Slayer. Apart from the somewhat disturbing first episode, I don’t think it was particularly edgy. He is just a guy who hates goblins and wants to kill them. I liked that it was different. There are so many fantasy heroes who become all powerful and save the world. Dude is like... eff that, I just want…
megalobox has it’s moments, and others where I just lose interest. I enjoyed it though and will finish it eventually.
No Goblin Slayer or Overlord season 2?
Cock-blocktopus made me spit my coffee.
Your contention that you don’t eat anything with pizza suggests you have not as yet been introduced to the concept of buffalo wings.
Hi Gwen, appliance salesperson here. I would suggest you consider buying before the new year. Most of the main brands have announced significant tariff related price increases first week of the new year.
“Papa John’s is the best take out pizza”
It’s more that Bethesda games are always buggy. Morrowind was buggy. Oblivion was buggy. Fallout 3 was buggy. New vegas was buggy. Skyrim was buggy. ESO was buggy. Fallout 4 was buggy. and now Fallout 76 is nearly unplayably buggy.
“so how much do about people who don’t even like to cook hate to clean up?”
Order a free throw, and half the time they give you what you ordered, half the time you get an empty cup.
I wasn’t ready for the Bobby to be cold. Like in retrospect, I get it, but that really threw me. Capriottis makes a tasty cheesesteak though.
Compared to a bag of dicks, it’s really good!
Are there actually people who order a beer for looks? And that would suggest other people are judging people for the beer they are holding?
I liked Diona, but then she betrayed me and i accidentally murdered her twin, and then of course had to kill the rest of the cult.
130 hours in 19 days? dang son. That’s 7 hours a day...