
Hm.. This is the first time I saw just one comment out-grayed, while the user was left in gray...

Do social sciences count for this query? I nominate The Sparrow, which gave us a realistic glimpse at how civilization could develop on a planet with two vastly disparate intelligent species - one purely carnivorous, one purely herbivorous.

I don't know if you would consider it science in the traditional sense, but as a computer scientist myself I was surprise at how well Computer Chess captures how real AI works (oh god, so far from other fiction...) and the AI scene back in the 80's.

It may be a pain, but if you weren't subjected to the horrific .gif posters let me stress how bad they were and something drastic had to be done. Click on an article about cute kittens being cute and confronted with multiple violent rape porn/pictures of violence or bodies, etc. I hate this grey system, but it's a

Timescape. I don't know of another SF work with a more grounded depiction of actual research.

Since I can't edit the original post a few edits:

The Andromeda Strain introduced me to the idea of pandemics and killer viruses. The enemy wasn't something exotic or otherworldly, simply an unknown but deadly biological agent. At the core of the story was a logic puzzle: what did the only survivors of a plague — a baby and an old man — have in common that allowed

I think the plan is for Channing Tatum's Gambit to fill the void of Jackman's eventual departure. I'd love to see a reboot of Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm. X-men comics are having a lot of success with a young team of the original X-men in the present (through time travel) and that might influence the movie. And

A valid argument, but you also might argue the most potent relationship in that triangle is between Scott and Logan. There was, as you state, a competition between the two, but also a grudging respect and intense jealousy (each one wanted to be little bit like the other). They've even switched places, to a degree,

I'd be happy with well balanced ensembles, like I see in Serenity, Avengers and GOTG.

That was so far overdone that I wanted to punch my TV in the Wolverine.