
Here, have another star. This thread deserves at least one gray comment. Seriously, there just doesn't seem to be enough people around to approve them, especially at the rate which io9 produces articles...

Sony would have made Rocket a guy who slipped and fell into a tank of radioactive racoons.

thank you for that well thought out reply. i get the gist of what you are saying and i can see some advantages to that. i guess the way i have always thought about it . i never see things as west or east. i myself am both a product of both; eastern heritage, with i did say half western upbringing, is i always ask

cultures are good and bad though. for example certain cultures have no regard for public hygeine. burn their trash on the open road. litter without consequence. as someone whos lived in a third world country for five years just recently . i would be scared if not think twice before littering in toronto. while in a

That chapter was one of the greatest things I have ever read in my life. I was marathoning the last book, it was 2am, and I saw how long that chapter was. I waited, went to bed, then spent the morning freaking out as I read it. Bravo, RJ, bravo.

By the time I finished "Winter's Heart," I'd pretty much given up on Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time." I couldn't believe that this book belonged to the same series as "The Eye of the World," "The Great Hunt," and "The Dragon Reborn." After several books where it felt like almost nothing happened, this was the book

Poo tee weet

You could always program the drone robots to enter "engage all targets" mode when they are disconnected from their Human controller. And then give the Human controllers a rules of engagement that says that they are only allowed to use force against pre-approved enemies. At that point it would be in the enemy's

Oops, I meant Charles Dickens, lol. Ok, I understand what you were saying. I was mostly just responding to Octopussoup's comment which I thought was a bit extreme. I agree a good author won't resort to torture porn and such without a purpose, but I like some sex an violence in my books, as long as the characters

Ehh I don't agree. Anyone can write sex in a book to "liven" things up. Some put suffering (less than just violence) to force feeling into their work. It takes talent to skip these easy attention grabbers. Way too many people do this in their books anymore.