
Sorry about the multiple responses. What I was saying didn't display and I couldn't tell why.

Umm, EMPs don't work that way, but nice try.

Nice try though.

I really don't see how that helps. First, your brain is not an "electronic" device; it's driven by gradients of electrolytes along bounded membranes, which isn't electronic, it's chemical potential. The working principles are totally different. Second, an organic electronic device is still a semi-conductor device and

Um, you need an antenna to run telepresence and antennae are the _most_ sensitive hardware to EMPs, main because they are designed _specifically_ to absorb electromagnetic energy and route it straight into a computer. By definition, you can't 'shield' a computer from EMP without removing antennae and prohibiting

The only time in history that an advanced nation loses a war to a small local insurgency with an EMP and a sledgehammer.

I can see how you might think that. It's easy to find a slippery slope in some of these discussions. I couldn't handle one of Robin Hobb's books that went too far.

Just my two cents, sorry for being verbal;-)

Sure, Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" tortures the characters, but that isn't torture porn, even if everybody ended up dead. Charles Dickens tortured characters, but it had context and there was more to it than just "sex and violence." Also, be careful, 'Charles Dickinson' is either a guy shot by Andrew Jackson or a

If I'm going to be permanently gray, I might as well think so far outside the box that it makes all the non-grays look bad. It should be a badge of honor to never say anything that I have to race anybody else to say first.

The flan-eating, unkillable, nanotech infested, too-often-replicated mad scientist Desty Nova from Yukito Kishiro's Gunnm (Battle Angel).

I think this statement is a little binary and insensitive to the depth of the subject. There are large gradations in all of these things. Sex doesn't have to be instantaneously triple-x, violence doesn't have to be blood or mutilation or disfigurement or even physical and suffering can be very quiet and subtle. A part

It turned out that the stories with the spoiler right at the start were the ones that were the best received, especially if they were tales that relied on a big twist or shocking revelation.

Just me hoping to make a plea to the current generation of videogame makers.

Here's a picture of what I'm talking about: a.) is Coulomb potential b.) is mixed.

The closer we pin down a particle's position, the more wildly its momentum may vary. If we know its momentum, its position may vary. Get a particle close to a barrier, and it may suddenly have the blast of momentum it requires to tunnel through.


There's an additional consideration in this whole discussion which further complicates matters.

In the sense of avoiding things undoubtedly said by many people in this comment thread already (and allowing that it will probably not be un-grayed), I would point out that this article is perhaps an ideal illustration of why an artificial superintelligence would wipe the floor with humanity. One of the great flaws we

When exactly did this happen?