Sang Mun

This is going to sound silly but when they say disc at 100%, are they talking about disk usage? The quote did not mention which version of Windows so I’m wondering if they are using a 32 bit version of Windows and in combination is running low on disk space. I use a Windows 7 - 32 bit machine at work. That used to be

It sounds like the calculator is working and it follows the adage...garbage in garbage out. The output is only as good as information provided. The people that put it together probably work in the numbers so much they forget what we humans have to go through to get some good numbers...Hmm..Will I get a bonus or not?

I was curious if the calculator was broken too so I ran the numbers. On the first round, it looked like a bust. I tried 2 more times with different numbers and it looked ridiculous. Then like that attention test, I paid more attention to the info requested and when given the correct response, the estimate was about

It does sound like auto negotiation is downgrading your connection. The wall connection and the connection at the router should follow the T568A pinout for proper noise rejection. At 100 Mbps, only 2 pairs are needed but at gigabit you need all 4 pairs to be good. You didn’t mention whether the cables you are using

I’m wondering if any USB devices are being reused for the newer systems. About a year ago, I noticed that my Mac computer was waking up unexpectedly especially in the middle of the night. I went through the virus checks, malware checks, OS issues, etc and wasted a lot of time. I checked all the logs looking for a

As a regular rice eater, I prefer the rice cooker. There seems to be some confusion about quantity and that is adding to the inconsistency. My rice cooker “cup” is actually 6 ounces not 8. The minimum to cook is 2 cups of rice so I scoop 2 “cups” (12 ounces = 1.5 cups) in and fill the water to the 2 “cup” line and

I’m not sure what USDA zone you are in but if it’s not a Mediterranean environment, you may be picking some unknown bush. I bought a bay laurel tree a few years ago by mail. It has gone from a little sprig to a decent size bush and has endured my abuse. I keep it inside during winter to reduce the chances of it being

This reminds me of a book I read about the power of habit. I did not agree with many of the conclusions but I reached some of my own. We are a conglomeration of habits that make up our personalities. That is why you are reminded that you are so much like your mom or dad. Our human programming has concluded that

I am not embarassed about not being about cook rice on the stovetop. The rice cooker works great so why would I want to pay attention to another item? I do have a Zojirushi rick cooker that I’ve had over 15 years and it still works great. It does have a 2 cup minimum so I did buy an Aroma for smaller batches but found