If it was Family Guy it would just go "So she had an abortion HAHA! Then got hit by a truck! HA! *credits*'
If it was Family Guy it would just go "So she had an abortion HAHA! Then got hit by a truck! HA! *credits*'
Nope! No reasons. It's just control. They say you're cheating on God and make it all creepy and shit. They also taught you that you commit adultery if you have any sex before marriage… SERIOUSLY?! You can't commit adultery unless you're married. It's all about control and money.
Interesting point! Except not. Why don't catholics support contraception, #blacklivesmatter, adoption rights to homosexual couples or single adults, healthcare, etc? Any ideas? They don't care about the baby once it's out of the woman. At that point the baby can just go screw itself off. Especially if it's a black or…
Great point! Men are not treated growing up like their virginity is anything worth saving. I did out of my own principle then realized I didn't change as a person once I stuck my dick in a hole. But women are made to feel like their body has been forever changed and no one can ever have that same experience.