
I keep reading people opine how fans would be still mad if they killed off of a main character so there is really no winning for the writers. I disagree. We all know what show we're watching by season 6. Let alone those who read the comic. Frankly, the idea that 'anyone can die' was a large part of what made it

You're right, though I still think they are off the table for other reasons.

I agree. They are both mysterious and invisible to those in the area for long periods of time yet totally running the region, extorting several towns and stopping travelers at will.

In every other instance when Daryl blurted out how they'll just kill them because they're so much more badass "Deal?!", Rick would've been the pragmatic foil. That is basically their relationship. I think this was just sloppy writing, but it does support the overall narrative we ended up with that their collective

I thought he was going to do just that when he said "I got an idea" while looking at Rick before he started eenie, meenie.

Clicks this way. Daylight hours that way. It would be nice to sometimes just drop in a "5 miles up the tracks" or "10 miles down route X" so we have a general sense of the distance at least. I'm sure they have at some points, but with this entire season set in the areas around Alexandria, they could have helped us out

Additionally, a post-bunker assault regroup with Jesus et al. is befuddlingly missing from the last few episodes. Great that you got some vegetables out of the deal but did you didn't have ANY other questions after you actually met and killed everyone?! I suppose we don't know the exact timeframe between ep. 13 and 14

I agree. The more I read, the more pissed i get. It doesn't matter who's really the reality they knew that died! That's what the season was about! Metaphoric death is more important than actual characters, apparently. I bet is a JV character after all of that.

The writers appeared to have (obviously) foreshadowed several characters over the last few episodes. Carol was spared. As were Rick and Carl apparently, based on Negan's dialog. There were clear cues in favor of Eugene, Abraham, Daryl and Glenn (and to a lesser extent, Maggie). I was assuming they'd deviate from Glenn

One issue, the resource question: What else would they be doing? "Planting a garden?" That seems to be kind of the point. They have apparently structured themselves to have others do things for them so all they have to do it regulate the region…which is what they're doing (and maybe enjoying anyway).

I guess so but I could've used more depicted moments of realization that they were wrong about so much all along. We got a flippant line from Abraham at the last roadblock but it wasn't clear to me until they arrived on foot in the clearing that they actually realized how much trouble they were in. The roadblocks were

I am not a comic reader (though I have seen a few Negan panels) and was pleased that he didn't show up like Deebo. One of my issues is how the show has ventured into this superhero vs. big bad guy mode. I always found the show most compelling when it alluded to the horror that regular people or circumstances can

David Sims summed up very well my position by the time the eeny, meeny, miny, moe finally arrived:

I think the showrunners have just moved out of their comfort zone and AMC is probably looking too much at how some other shows are programmed. If you look at what made the show good early on, it was mainly the production values and editing that added genuine tension and shock value to episode-to-episode character

In fairness, at the time he felt that, he has no idea how their going to direct it. And, at the time he said it, he probably didn't know exactly how they were going to edit it.

Yes, but I think you're a tad bit off with the Morgan/Carol sideshow and where that will lead vis-a-vis Rick's inevitable victory over Negan. Also, the writers do know who they killed. It was just a poor, greedy season construction.

I thought the same thing (assuming there was more than one rocket). One of my pet peeves about the show in general. In "real life" they would take every gun, bullet, battery, flashlight, siphon of gas, can of food, etc. that they come across. Yet they so often leave a dead adversary on the ground with a weapon. They

There have certainly been issues for a few seasons, and some frustrating decisions recently, but this season (Glenn+cliffhanger) was really the first instance of WTF exasperation. You should give it a try and not just listen to the current outrage. I mean, at least until you get caught up so you can be properly

It's true. It's the edge of your seat anticipation and well-founded existential dread that made this show unique beyond the genre trappings.