
Memes about rioting aside, not many fans/viewers are actually at risk to stop watching based on specific characters dying—on a show that is primarily about characters dying. It just doesn't, and won't, happen with this show. There are many heroes to choose from/root for and the possibility/likelihood that new ones

And the fact that in the show he pretty clearly implies with the eyeball line that it won't be Rick or Carl even as he's ostensibly choosing.

Not a chance. They received a fair amount of backlash from the Glenn non-death with plenty of time to have cut this ending however they wanted. AMC is in it for maximum ratings and my guess is that they have collectively decided that this a) actually makes some kind of cool, dramatic ending to the season and b) if GOT

The Morgan/Carol sideshow should've been included in the last episode instead of this one. The cat-and-mouse RV trip was actually a perfect way to depict the group's descent into fear and the realization that they were not actually in control of things (at all). I would've liked to have seen more of this psychological

But Rick's actions consistently belie his pretentious proclamations. For him to have shot Morgan would imply that he actually was acting in accordance to his "take no risks" worldview…which he's already violated by mid-episode by being out there in the first place.

I am admittedly equal parts jealous and impressed with the niche he's carved out for himself given his background so I consciously try not to hate on him for reasons other than how insufferable he actually is as a personality.

I am admittedly fearful of it, however the lead-up has been so drawn out that I can't imagine we won't get some payoff. I think the cliffhanger will just be the bleak, hopeless realization of the imminent danger the entire town(s) are in given the new world order.

Yes. It morphed from how will anyone survive in this new world to which superhero will die the obligatory death this season.

I know there's a specific upcoming story arc that probably takes at least two seasons to tell, but the biggest aid to the series would be for Rick continuing his transformation to the dark said and essentially becoming a "villain" and pulling some moves just like shooting him in the face without hesitation or moral

Let's not forget that "backlash" = attention, (presumably) = ratings. See Jon Snow.

Foreshadowing. Rust is going to save them and kill Negan the Yellow King.

Great job complaining about something that someone put together to elegantly illustrate a point that you and everyone else made three months ago but didn't put together anything as elegant to illustrate, Internet.

The force is strong with this one.

It's true. And I do.

No drummer need ever explain being into them.

"Horn" section usually refers to brass + woodwinds.

When's the last time DMB has been an opening act? Say what you will about their music, but they have been consistently among the biggest touring acts over the last 20 years. I find it hard to believe that this scenario where "he" was ever the opening act for a concert you would have otherwise seen actually occurred.

Well, there's a soprano sax in there, obviously, but you're right, he is definitely referring to strings in the beginning. Grating electric strings.

That really is the thing about them. There are several objectively really good musicians in the horde playing subjectively awesome or awful music, depending on your perspective. Carter Beauford is indeed an undisputed beast.

I am preparing for Veep to lose all comedic value as it is pretty much a documentary of current events as this point. Westworld can only be a spectacular disaster if it ever actually gets made and airs. I am putting all my hopes into the Simon/Bernstein D.C. show (The Deuce has the same too-good-not-to-work premise as