
Fortunately, you still have Flaked.

After the way I felt about her after the first couple of seasons, I can't believe I said this but..I'd watch a Shoshanna in Japan spinoff (preferably instead of Girls).

I agree. I hate-watched through Season 1, because HBO, and was mildly interested in Season 2. I thought the Detroit episode was the only truly good one and won't be sad for them to take (yet another) swing at a replacement.

F/M/K: Simmons, Nugent, Trump. ???

I would genuinely like to see III recut to see how much it could be improved. We know certain scenes that should go and characters to be minimized, but I wonder if there's enough alternate footage to materially improve it. It's already at 2:42, so just tightening it up in the obvious places would be an interesting

Even though I mostly listen to music though my iPod or streamed via AirTunes, I've gone back to buying music on CDs. I was wooed by the ease and instant gratification of downloads for some time, but used CDs (either at my local retail store, eBay or Amazon Marketplace—even with shipping) are now cheaper and usually

Damn, I only have 12 weeks.

This could have just been "What show did you quit watching?" I can think of many character deaths I was upset by (emotionally or critically) but I can't think of any shows that I was at all invested in then really quit watching (and never came back to). I still hate watch several in an attempt to justify the sunk cost.

He needs to star in a Scott Storch biopic.

Seems to me that music supervision and casting are essential categories of production of all films that would make sense to be recognized by whatever recognizing body one fancies. I would personally be fine with most of these, but then I don't really care about the AA in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I think Dave Franco is [boyishly] hot, whereas Scott Eastwood is properly hunky. I agree about the roguishness. It's hard to say who would work without knowing where they're going with the script. I suppose a lot about Han's dangerous past is alluded to in the films, even though what we mostly see

It doesn't work because he's too short, [somehow] too well known and, oh, not really a passable actor, but…out of these options, I seriously think Dave Franco actually comes closest in my mind. First and foremost, Han provides comedic relief (probably taken a bit too far in The Force Awakens). I don't know how to

I think one of the great aspects of Fargo (especially Season 2) is that it succeeds on either level (unlike, say, a certain HBO anthology)—you can dig deep into all of the references or just watch it for the performances and dialog and be equally satisfied.

I agree that it's both. Compounded by not just his skills, but those of the very small group of writers and producers who are (directly or indirectly) currently dominating this/these genres.

I think Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle is my favorite BC album. +Jim Cain, Too Many Birds, Faith/Void, etc.

The first time I heard Agaetis Byrjun by Sigur Rós (really as a twofer along with (Untitled) when it was released shortly thereafter). Bonus: seeing the video for Svefn-G-Englar might qualify as it's own moment.

I feel the same about Rushmore. I hadn't seen anything like it (including Bottle Rocket). It felt new and like it was made just for my sense of humor and taste in music. I started judging people by whether or not they liked it. After that, there was no such sense of discovery for any WA film (just enjoyment, then