Not just cops, at this point I’ll turn down anyone who willingly carries a gun as part of their job. Not because all of them are poisoned by it, but because enough are.
Not just cops, at this point I’ll turn down anyone who willingly carries a gun as part of their job. Not because all of them are poisoned by it, but because enough are.
I love the “regret sex” trope (by love I mean hate). I mean how anti rational is it to think that if a woman has a one night stand and regrets the decision the next day, instead of going home, taking a long hot shower, and pretending it didn’t happen (denial would be the most obvious defense mechanism), instead, she…
Yep, between the misogyny and racism coming from way too many cops, I just automatically swipe left on cops when I use dating apps. Could they maybe be decent? Do I want to take that chance?
Not just law enforcement, but also the fact that so many men rape women, and a lot of them are so called liberals.
I can’t remember if I read this on Jezebel or elsewhere but apparently a good number of the men Trump has picked for top positions have been accused of sexual assault.
Most of the men attracted to police work want authoriteh, and others to respect and fear their’s. It’s a power thing, and it’s toxic, as evidenced by all the awful headlines we read about unarmed civilians being murdered by spastic cops, militarised police response to peaceful protests, and stupid quotes like this…
I was coming here to say almost the exact same thing. I grew up with a cop for a father and prosecutor for a stepfather, and cops, in general, are MRAs. They are the exact type of machismo, let men be men, and women do what they’re told types. Women are either good little wives or feminazi whores. They are bullies,…
PSA! for those that aren’t aware:
Yup I got called feminazi when I volunteered at a battered woman’s shelter. We would accompany them reporting abuse.
Very true. Ages ago when I volunteered as a rape crisis counselor a big service we offered was going with women to report the rapes to the police to help advocate on their behalf (essentially try to stop the cops from being even bigger jerks).
Bingo. All rape accusations are caused by the woman being pissed that the guy she had sex with didn’t call the next day. Hence the only true rape victims are the ones whose corpses you find.
I’ve been thinking of that Germaine Greer quote a lot lately, and how true it is.
I’m almost out of words, it’s so desperately enraging. Just say you don’t see women as people, so violations of their bodies aren’t really crimes. Just fucking say it, dick.
They think women lie to mask thier sluttiness and in some small way encouraged it. It’s a view shared by many law enforcement officials.
The kind of men who are attracted to police work usually are precisely those who have no business being cops.
No see, men who rape women they know aren’t raping them. It’s not rape if you know the women, duh. /s
So a rapist who drags a stranger off the street—which is a very small percent of them—has, like, no moral standards, but a man who rapes his ex-girlfriend, a co-worker, a woman who accepted a date with him, a woman who thought he was her friend, his own wife, his teenaged cousin, an unconscious woman at a party; those…