
Hey, you know what?

Nobody is perfect, but a 5 year old can tell when something isn’t fair and that person who is and was being unfair is not be rewarded nor honored.

Glorifying public statues and buildings named after people =/= history books. GTFO with that trite racist bullshit, scumbag.

if we start renaming things because people in the past didn’t think like we do now

Depends. Were the people known (at the time) for their racism, treason or similarly negative qualities we shouldn’t name anything after them. Like the confederates in the US.
If they had viewpoints we look down upon now but which didn’t define them back then, let it go.

Good. Fuck off. No one wants to see monuments to racists and traitors anyhow.

So? Still a good thing to do.

So you’re telling us that the CEO of a multinational corporation had the audacity to *ghasp* change his mind?

Waah-waah *Sad English Horn*

Buying a $15,000 car at 20 that depreciated a ton.

I bought a 1987 Z24 Cadavalier, not unlike this one:

Buying a brand new car and not letting someone else lose money.

When the first American space station, Skylab, made its uncontrolled re-entry, it did so over the South Pacific and Australia. People found parts of the station, and there was some minor property damage, but nobody was hurt. 

Not exactly. LEAN is about creating the most efficient manufacturing environment to reach your end goal. Cost is a driver but not the only driver. I realise it sounds like marketing wank but it’s a customer experience driven feed back loop. It’s about developing the most direct path to a new production vehicle that

Someone tell Joe that if he buys one of these he won’t have to worry about seeing it on FOX in the hands of middle eastern terrorists after trade in.

Hello FedEx, UPS, Amazon, Fresh Direct, Sparky the Electrician, Sooty the Chimney Sweep and Joe the Plumber. Well, maybe not that guy. He’ll keep rolling coal in his lifted King Ranch Super Duty DuraMax 9500.

“New Supra can’t be new Supra because old Supra.”

An inline 6 and a manual transmission seem like easy things to source from BMW. I don’t care for useless “+2" seating, so it all seems good to me.

I too saw that -- my initial thought was “Oh, they FOUND his original old car and are going to restore it...”

This is a Diablo for sale with a Trump ‘16 sticker. If taking potshots at Trump was ever justified on Jalopnik, this is it.