
Again, Islam, a false religion with an angry god, is a divergence from Judaism and Christianity. The atoning death and resurrection of Jesus and the fact is HE IS GOD is rejected.

You just think you do. Mohammed came around 600 years after Christ. The Koran also twist the scriptures around and make Ishmael the descendant that counts from Abraham . The two religions don't agree on who god is and are irreconcilable .

Show you have a rudimentary knowledge of the bible. He also said " I am!" Which the Pharisees responded by picking up stones to stone him… An indication that he was claiming to be god. You need to at least understand what Christians point to , to say that the trinity represents God. The fact that you used " as I

And they don't believe he died for our sins. The two religions are not compatible and disagree with one another as to who God is.