
I can't believe nobody has made an app called iBleed

This is Bruce right now:

The mimes will be furious, though. People will think they're stealing their act... bumping into glass and everything.

NPR did a story about this not long ago and that was the exact point of the person representing the anti-lock side. I think some Parisians object to the aesthetic of it, but the officials were looking at it from a public safety stance: what if one of those bridges became structurally unsound and people were injured?

Boo, Clay Aiken, boo. Inappropriate by whose standard? The same assholes who kept you in the closet.

have the domestic abusers at Jezebel been fired yet?

Yeah people like that can drown in a cow piss pond and I would not cry a tear.

You can't fight the Jezebel hive mind on this. All women are perfect and never do anything inappropriate.

Ooooh... edgy.

if it would happen the other way around

I'm team no one. The married guy is a douchebag for emotionally manipulating this woman into a relationship, only to cease contact with her once he got what he wanted and Li is ridiculous for suing him. You need psychological help, not monetary gain.

"...why I grieve, but why I don't despair..."

not nearly as afraid of needles as i am of babies

I hope you're right! :)

If she was married to Joseph, she wouldn't have been a virgin anymore.

Nope, she was betrothed.

Tell me more about your medical degree, Amanda.

"Yes, please, let's not forget the poor men, who make up a whopping 15% of the domestic violence victims (nonsarcastic saide: this includes situations in which the violence is mutual, or the woman used violence in response to violence), who are far less likely to be hurt by domestic violence given the differences in