I hope you are never burdened with the prosecution of a parent for beating their closeted homosexual child to death.
I hope you are never burdened with the prosecution of a parent for beating their closeted homosexual child to death.
I only watched it because it was part of the “TGIF” block with Family Matters and my all-time favorite:
Alton Brown’s recipes are beyond wack. He may cook food on TV, but I’m not positive he eats food.
Goddamn I HATE Cutthroat Kitchen. It’s so lame and cheesy, but he thinks it’s all hardcore and “cutthroat”. It’s so tryhard.
Also Bourdain knows he is a dick. Which I appreciate
Surprise, surprise! A new study points out that were the US to adopt a $15 minimum wage, the price of a Big Mac…
I don’t drink sodas really. Once or twice a year maybe? And when it is hot as balls outside, I need a Slurpee, and that’s that. Usually a Small. It’s a treat.
I love cane sugar! Perfect drink. When I drink the real soda, I drink less, too.
Agreed on cane sugar, but Stewart’s is too sweet for my taste. Is Boylan maybe less so?
Jesus christ we get it, this loon is this week’s That Dress debacle, let’s move the fuck on now
I enjoy hiking, so for me it is bears that I worry about.
You guys, I seriously can’t help but like Miley. I mean come on. She dumped her fiancé, cut all her hair off and started talking about feminism and now she’s growing out her body hair and smoking a bunch of weed and getting nekkid all the time. She’s everything I look for in a woman. What other big-name pop star has…
Moyer’s kangaroo, goat, and llama...
I think people don’t often consider the impact their behavior has on the animal(s) in question. I often bring up “a fed bear is a dead bear” as an example. If a bear gets used to eating in campsites because you left your food there, it’s going to come back again. Eventually it becomes a problem bear, a hazard, and to…
To me it comes off as her trying to be hip and cool and not. Also hip hop culture isn’t exclusively black culture. At this point has crossed cultural racial lines, just like most genres of music.
Means Girls-feminism at its finest. Tearing down unpopular women for fun and profit!
The Romney’s are jackasses, but to accuse Ann of “all but donning blackface” for this pic is preposterous.