
The comments on this are hilarious. This man showed a great love for his child and just to make her smile did this for her. So what? Who did it hurt? What does it hurt? Seriously. And the people telling this father how he SHOULD have spent his money instead are absolutely priceless. Disparaging comments about a 7

I live in Kansas City Missouri. I considered BRGR fast because it really wasnt the much more expensive then Hardees biggest burger. But yeah they are very good. I just saw this. Looks like I know where I am going to eat on monday. HAHA!

Hardees is yum. black angus burgers? Fantastic. the best places here are Blanc (small chain) and BRGR.

I was being factual. Anyone comparing hunting the beasts this woman hunted to hunting little girls of any color is in fact a fool. Yes or no?

And I know "humans are animals, silly". But to compare the beasts this woman is hunting to hunting little white/black girls is asinine.

So comparing hunting these animals to hunting humans and talking about killing little white girls is basically the same was "keeping the debate intelligent"? Yeah, okay.

"Cannot wait till its time to start hunting season on "pretty little white girls"."

The blatant stupidity of this comment boggles the mind. You just compared hunting animals to hunting humans? You are a fool.

You clearly arent the sharpest peanut in the turd. Have a nice night.

Who the hell do you think "they" is? The operators of that website? Are you dense?

Facts are facts. This woman is doing more to conserve endangered species than you are. And that is one of those facts. Let that sink in.

"That's pretty mental."

Not really. I just went to a FB post and copy and pasted Far from mental. and how is having a list of facts, mental?

HAHA! You are quite the party animal.

You found one sorry article? Really? An article that uses one lone study that THEY bought and paid for as proof? Really? Okay then. Have a nice day.

You have yet to post anything to the contrary. Do I wish shooting them with cameras did as much for conservation as shooting them with guns? Yes. I absolutely do. But that isnt the reality. It just isnt. Have a good day.

Please reread what I said.

"Furthermore some of the pictures she took were from "green hunts".

In all the times I tripped as a youth I never tripped good enough to get naked. LOL

Yeah, uh huh. and you are an authority. where did you get your online certification? By the way. All of that would be WORSE if it wasnt for campfire like programs. Sorry, you are wrong and all of the facts point to that. I need to go to Africa so I can become an expert to. The facts are what they are. You can say what

Your way in Africa has been a disaster and the campfire way has been an overwhelming success. Those are the only facts that matter. Without campfire like programs these animals would be dead. Loss of habitat, farmers killing them for hurting their farms, poachers for ivory, and poachers for bushmeat to supply foreign

Oh boy. Then read any of the many other links I posted. These hunters are providing far more money to conservation and contributing more to the continuation of these species than the conservation crowd and thats a documented fact.