

I don’t think you understood that graph you’re referencing. There was not a 50% drop, lol.

Yeah I do wonder if that is supposed to happen or not. In the original movie, and by all accounts according to the lore discussions in this show, hurting a visitor is a no-no. Perhaps the knockout is a host malfunction, or maybe this sort of thing is supposed to happen. I know I’d be complaining for a refund if I

Yes this narrative will continue to serve you well over the next 8 years of fascism. Wake up! White people are your base, stupid.

Are you intentionally writing comments like a Russian hacker or what is this?

You seem to think that people saying that Bernie would have won are just rubbing salt in the wound. That may be part of it, but if you can’t appreciate what Bernie would have brought to the table in this election, you are doomed to 8 years of fascism. The democrats alienated their base and failed to cultivate

Obama could never win re-election. It was just short of a miracle that the sting of Bush still hurt enough to reelect him in 2012. Obama squandered his majority and fairly or unfairly he will never be rehabilitated to enough voters to actually win. Go ahead and cite approval ratings for now, but remember that those

These people have to defend their insistence for Clinton because otherwise they are culpable for the defeat. They are grasping at straws to maintain their world view. It’s emblematic of the cognitive dissonance exhibited by those fortunate enough to live in a liberal coastal enclave.

I don’t know why people always make this pseudo-intellectual argument. The concept and principle of Freedom of Speech in America extends beyond the narrow protection of the first amendment. That’s what this non-voting dummy is invoking.

Are you kidding? Competitive mode was broken on Overwatch for months when it came out. It’s apparently very Blizzard to just release things and fix them later now.

It’s cool you can just play no limit. Or learn other characters. This actually doesn’t affect you at all, other than that the people who made the effort to learn the other characters may not be in your queue any more.

You realize loot crates have no value?? That’s an extremely silly reason to have stopped playing. There are plenty of good ones, but not that.

There is Jeff Kaplan trying to correct his silly mistakes, way after everyone else in the world already knew that his plan was terrible. The guy is just so arrogant and stubborn about improving the game, it’s like pulling teeth. He’s so certain he knows what’s best for the community and just bunkers down until

negative stars

Yeah sounds like just a bad start.


LOL how is he a dick in that quote?

STEAM Support DOES contact you when you get in touch with them.

I’d add the nuisance from the tendency of auto-exploring units, especially ships, to get stuck exploring some cliff/iceberg for hundreds of years when there’s a whole continent/ocean to look at.

It runs fantastic on my SP4 at 3K resolution, so I wouldn’t sweat it. The only really shitty thing is the inability to view tooltips with touch. It’s clearly been optimized for touch play in general though, just a few kinks.