
Friday night magic is booster draft everywhere. You can do that once a week. Many shops also do drafts on other days. I’ve never seen a sealed league but booster draft is definitely an option everywhere.

Definitely not a cheap hobby, but I also only do draft for the competitive reasons you say. $15 bucks a week is not bad for several hours of entertainment value, and you do get the chance to open a high-value card as well. Once you get good at drafting, ti’s possible to go for several weeks ina row without paying

This was so hot

Under a suspended sentence, it’s unclear how soon Shoponyak may be sent to real prison rather than the detention center where he currently resides.

it was actually fun

Lol. What does the kid being black have to do with his home life?? White kids can come from broken homes too, you racist prick. You are what’s actually wrong with the world — going around calling people racist because you might have sensed a micro-agression is what got Trump elected, you delicate schmuck.

Come on, I totally had the idea for Minecraft years ago. It really is a shame.

Literally took longer to type your message than to read the article lol

It’s not an inside joke. Just look at it harder.

For a wifi adapter and a writable memory? It would cost almost nothing. The choice to make them not expandable is definitely to keep people from pirating on them.

Right, then delete it and send in a fresh one

Holy shit, it’s just a game dude. The people who made batman don’t give a fuck about you, so get off their dick.

It’s probably more to do with sieging cities. You run a unit down, delete it, send in a fresh one, repeat.

I saw it the same way the first time I looked as well. Oddly coincidental as we trash the conservatives for falling for fake news, though ;)

It’s no different than “citation needed” on Wikipedia. You can choose to believe the flagged fake news story, but you are at least informed that it may be untrue. Nothing biased about it. Even if the flag would become diluted, flagged stories will never carry as much weight as non-flagged stories. This feature

Easy. They can flag fake news sites as unreliable. A scarlet letter that lets everyone know the sharer is an idiot. No censorship involved and the problem goes away.

All they really need to do is put an interstitial or a flag on the post that says it’s coming from a source that propagates fake news. A scarlet letter that identifies it as probably fake, so that people can point & laugh at the reposters in the vein of conspiracy theorists. The problem would be corrected in a

Well Trump would probably become Hitler if there hadn’t already been a Hitler. We can thank Hitler for getting Hitler out of the way, at least.

Funny you say that because I think the lack of Jon Stewart in this election cycle played no small part in the result.

Fucking presciptivist. It will be seeked soon enough.