
I’d add the tendency of auto-exploring units, especially ships, to get stuck exploring some iceberg for hundreds of years when there’s a whole ocean to look at.

Ex. how far a unit can move should be proportional to game time selected and map size. Diplomacy as you said, is a mess and part of the problem is the dynamism of a real player vs AI.

I’ve been able to run over enemy missionaryies no problem. It’s the non-enemy ones that are the problem.

The difficulty levels in Civ tend to be simple modifiers like bonus damage, bonus production, decreased negative effects, etc. There may be some modification to AI aggressiveness, but there’s no substitute for having a standing force and city walls. The lower difficulty is intended to make it easier for you to

I don’t think so. It’s not a public display because it is only being viewed by the user. Secondly, they are not being charged to use the game, they are being charged to use the hardware.

What is a PC grade Tegra? Is that what they’re calling their integrated GPUs now ro something?

Thanks for this; what a silly comment

I don’t agree. Her most supportive ability is in fact her teleport, which is (or should be) a substitute for healing. In order to make her viable, they need to make teleporting more consistent. ezpz.

Any ETA on DQ7 review?

I will watch it with my son just because you wrote one million words on it.

Lol. Yeah that sounds about right.

Sony is afraid of boobs. Sony is afraid of boobs? Do you want to reconsider that statement?

That’s a hell of a take. Wouldn’t it be much more simple explanation that if he looked uncomfortable when he was lying it was because he was uncomfortable about lying? That doesn’t imply Sony made him do it at all.

Wow you are a rotten dude.

Sony gave them more than ample time to respond to the PR crisis. Good on Sony for acknowledging it when it became clear that Hello Games would not.

No Man’s Spore

That’s not really what hype means and it seems you are projecting that argument based on the use of the word hype.


OMG no kidding. How does FF Tactics have a five-star rating on google play, when it is literally impossible to backup or transfer a save without root? Some games, yeah, no big deal, but a game like FFT on mobile may take me years to finish, and certainly way longer than i’ll replace or lose or break my device.

You ought to be careful relying on a Documents backup. I guess you don’t care that much, but a lot of games (especially older ones) store in the steam folder, and a lot of newer games store in Application Data (as they should).