Sandra Dee

Echoing BOH1066 here, as a certified pharmacy technician in a retail pharmacy, counting “pills” and pouring them into a vial are the last two steps of the fill process, and not the entire fill process (pills are an obsolete dosage form from back in the day when tablets were shaped onsite from drug powders. No one

Marianne Williamsonoma

But who else will speak for the necessary chronic illnesses?

I think he has a ton of make-up on. Wouldn’t be surprising if they touched him up for the interview. 

Thank you so much for the phrase “mall goth Crypt Keeper.”

I’ll say this: I’m 35, and the thought of waking up two years from now and finding myself in a high-profile social media makeup feud with a 19 year old boy feels like one of the more embarrassing directions my life could potentially take.

No one yet has the daring to take on this classic camp look:

I couldn’t watch more than a few seconds of that nonsense. Who wants to watch a couple of bimbos exulting over hamburgers?

Pancreatic cancer is hard to detect at an early stage—what symptoms you may experience could be mistaken for other illnesses, and doctors can’t feel around for it like they can check out your heart, lungs, thyroid. It’s usually not treatable by surgery (because of how close it is to other important vessels and organs,

This documentary and the subsequent hour with Oprah was the best thing I have ever seen on childhood sexual abuse. The clear articulation of grooming, the motivations of the boys’ refusing to speak the truth initially, the complicatedness of abuse when it feels like love, the life long effect it has on the victims and

So sad. I will be watching my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Blu-Ray (original movie) in his honor.

Let me clarify something here: “inserting a camera into the pelvic cavity” means having laparoscopic surgery. Currently, the only definitive way to diagnose endometriosis is to see it - to undergo surgery. A presumptive diagnosis is made purely on the patient’s report of pain and other symptoms. Painful periods, heavy

I read the headline was “Did you know Maggie Gylenhall and Peter Sarsgaard have fucked in teak bathtub” which was a lot of information!

Did anyone notice him unceremoniously letting go of the cat mid-air? I mean, the cat seems fine, but he could have bent a little to shorten the distance to the ground a bit...

Natasha Lyonne hasn’t kept her Russian Doll hair : (

She was the 2nd wife though, right? Didn’t he scandalously leave his first (fellow author) wife who helped co-create a lot of his work after an affair with the married Audrey?

I heard similar things about NOW almost 20 years ago — minus the stuff about benefits. The biggest complaint? Sex discrimination. Yes, not only did dudes work at NOW and they were in the minority, but they were paid more and given plum projects.

I have been working at Planned Parenthood of Illinois for 2.5 years (both part and full time, as a medical assistant and administrative staff). Employee neglect and abuse is rampant and goes much deeper than pregnancy discrimination. Upper management routinely ignores the needs of staff, HR only protects the interests

Oh my God that poor family. I can’t stop thinking about her mother. 

I actually hated “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark.” I wish she spent more time going into methods of solving the crime instead of going into the individual crimes ad nauseam. The best part to me was, unfortunately, the one that she didn’t write. This book just wasn’t what I wanted it to be.