Sandra Dee

“Loosing” is among my biggest pet peeves in commonly misspelled words, and no, its use is not limited to weight loss forums.

The Podcasts app is a steaming pile of garbage. They removed the sleep timer, so those of us who enjoy falling asleep to mundane garbage have to go into timer—and then the timer default turns to “stop playing” as the alarm so that the next day, when you want to set a kitchen timer, the timer app treats your kitchen

Nope Licks.

If NSYNC came out and did a few songs there is no fucking way this article would be like this. JT phoned that shit in with a homage to prince that when living prince specifically wished no one would do for him like that when he passed.

I thought “I Would Die 4 U” was an odd choice, though.

Re: Selfie Kid

Doesn’t it make it worse that they did it in his hometown? He didn’t care for this artist, and considered using artists after their death “demonic,” and then they did it right on his own home turf.

Something that can’t get lost in the discussion of this ho-hum performance is just how bad the wardrobe choices were. Timberlake looks so good in a (regular, non-camo) suit - why would you do this to him?!? Why would you do this to all of us??? The color pallet with the back-up dancers didn’t help anything, either.

Sweet crispy Jesus, Lisa Loeb hasn’t aged since the ‘90s. Somewhere in her attic is an aging portrait or a bled-out virgin.

“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=


There was some sleaziness to his plays, but nothing that seemed outside the Tom Haverford playbook of overreaching. Certainly nothing that constitutes coercion.

A few months ago, I was at a Bernie Sanders rally in Birmingham, Ala., surrounded by white people excited to see their Democratic socialist Santa Claus. 

I work with a lot of long term survivors in the research I do for work. It’s mind blowing what people don’t know or don’t remember about early AIDS. Also, the survivors guilt a lot of long term survivors feel after losing so many friends and members of their community.

Every newer generation of medication is better than the last when it comes to side effects. There are plenty of medications that are not bad for your liver or kidneys now. The idea that your HIV medication will kill you is outdated.

I can’t even... I was a teenager in San Francisco in the 90s. AIDS wasn’t a diagnosis; it was a death sentence. I volunteered at a bunch of places (largely food-based, ‘cause wow, turns out that when you’re too sick to work and had to constantly shell out money for a million new tests and bizarre afflictions, it turns

You can always tell them that strychnine, mercury and uranium are all 100% natural.

Thank you! I just, this shit makes me so angry, irrationally (but not really because it’s deadly) angry. It needs to be outlawed because people are not educated and they think a sugar pill is tantamount to a vaccine, and a vitamin iv will treat HIV, and they die. “Doctors” like this woman, who is just shitting on the