Sandra Dee

I met her many years ago when she was receiving an award from my university and I had to interview her for the paper. She had a diamond ring that was roughly the size of an emu’s egg and a bodyguard that looked straight out of a Dick Tracy comic. At one point, I was scribbling furiously on my notepad and the cap of my

Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.

It is so infuriating when a man tells you what you should wear and not to wear, how you should do your hair or why you should wear makeup or why you should smile more, there is no week where a man offers me free unsolicited styling recommendations.

Two things:
1) holy fuck!
2) I miss Gawker/Defamer

Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.

Nope. If anything there are rumors of Gwenyth Paltrow actually being “Becky” with the good hair. But also, there are rumors of Beyonce having an affair with her bodyguard as well.

Let me preface this by saying I am 100% pro-vaccine. My son is vaccinated and I fully believe that all children should be.

My mother had a very stressful event in her life (kidnapped). After the whole ordeal was over including his trial, most of her teeth fell out. She was so stressed her gums basically loosened, the teeth came out. It even effected her skin texture she looked older than her age, about 10 years older after it happened.

I’m still not 100% sure how stress = tooth loss, unless there’s another part of the equation (ahem, drugs) that I’m missing.

“A shaman named Colleen McCann”? Sounds legit.

Celery is the worst vegetable too. Who can eat that much damn celery?


No one healthy eats like this. Period. This shit that is peddled in gossip mags and IG pages is not an actual diet for health. It’s a diet for starvation. I work out a LOT regularly and I’m in good shape. I eat real meals. I know women who have phenomenal looking bodies too. NONE of them eat like this. At all.

You’d have to put a gun to my head to eat that much celery. And even then, I’d probably still weigh the pros and cons...

I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

Speaking of Cosby tells, here’s something that always bugged me but I didn’t know why until now.