Sandra Dee

Money and PTSD. My twins spent months in the NICU, one with multiple birth defects, and now, almost 5 years later, we are still struggling to pay all of the medical bills. I know I have triggers the take me right back to almost losing them, but I've been able to seek help and have a great support system in dealing

So much hateration, holleratin in this dancery.

Middle to top to bottom I think.

Counterpoint: not having cable when you have kids is amazing. Because no commercials. With cable, my kids asked for super expensive dumb toys they saw on tv and rather than be happy with whatever vacation we were taking, questioned why we were not going to the resorts they saw advertised. Without cable, they asked me

Starred cuz same.

I don’t care too much about either Beyoncé or Pokemon.

I mean, most people know by the age of 19 that brutally murdering people is wrong. She has complete culpability for her own actions here. I could understand granting parole if she had just guarded the door while someone else did the actual killing, but she participated actively and willingly.

I’m not sure what’s more pathetic: that Meghan Trainor likes the Cheesecake Factory, or that she’s so stupid to think that she wouldn’t be recognized at one. The Venn diagram of Meghan Trainor fans and people who like the Cheesecake Factory is a single circle.

Or when you can’t wait to put your kids to bed, but then watch videos of them doing cute things five minutes later.

My reaction: AWWW TEH BEBIES!

It reminds me of when my 6th graders try and explain one of their feuds to me. I never fully comprehend what their beef is, because 99% of the time they’re feuding about something stupid. Stars, they’re just like 12 year olds.

He IS a grown man. She is a grown woman who doesn’t come across as one, which I’m sure is intentional.

$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

I think I’ve read that she’s said she wanted kids. Personally, she does look pregnant in these pics. Compared to what her midsection usually looks like, anyway. Plus, she’s been in NYC the last few weeks wearing ponchos and 80 degree weather.

“Because he is all parents”

I know that we shouldn’t be surprised by it at this point, but when news first broke of his death I’m pretty sure this is the last fucking thing that anybody expected. 3 years 6 months 24 days for me since my last hit of dope and my heart is truly with anyone out there reading this that is still suffering from this

I can’t hate her for defending her dad/ supporting him assuming she’s never witnessed or experienced any kind of violence from him. She clearly loves him. It’s also why she’s neither the judge nor jury.