Sandra Dee

What? First, you have to see 50 First Dates. Ignore the fact that it’s an Adam Sandler movie. It’s actually a great movie. Second, you have to see her as Little Edie in Grey Gardens. She did an amazing job. But yeah, for the past 4 years she has slowed down a lot acting-wise because she’s been slacking off and, you

This is surprinsgly disheartening and confusing. :(‘

I feel like there’s a secret Jezebel world that exists and I can’t access it because I don’t understand wtf groupthink is. But always, I’ll see people comment on here that I start to love, then suddenly they disappear and people are like, “You know, they left because of the huge terrible thing that happened” and I'm

I don’t care what anyone says, I love Lovitz.

I must have read Call Me Anna at least 5 times when I was a teenager. I think her memoir made me a feminist before I was a feminist. She was taken advantage of by so many people, and it made her so strong, and then she used her experience to help other people.

John Astin. Sean Astin is her kid and marrying him would be weird.

Hers was one of the first “celebrity” memoirs that I read as a child, and inadvertently, it helped me identify mental health issues in myself and my family. I thought and still think that she was incredibly brave and generous for sharing the best and worst of her personal journey.

I used to watch reruns of The Patty Duke Show when I was a kid and I loved her.

This is a very gentle, amusing hoax that hurt no one and I congratulate them both.

It’s ridiculous and infuriating. Look, it’s a paleontologist and a “The Flintstones was a documentary” guy arguing over the fossil record and evolution! Fairness! Balance!

And he’s SUCH a suburban ass wanksta! Geez. It’s embarrassing. The Jacksons Next Generation have more street cred in Calabasas than this fool.

I hear crate training is the way to go...

Where do people think the fat went? Into the corset?

This should not be confused with my lawsuit over the fact that I spent almost a year training my waist and it still pees on the floor and bites the mailman.

Ugh, I totally hate where my spleen is. If I could just move it up a bit, I’d be totally hot.

“Corsets do not cause you to permanently lose fat in the midsection: they cause a re-distribution of the fat and organs in the trunk.”

Some resorts offer this though?? Don’t get me wrong, I 100% agree with you that it seems friggen weird, but my sister-in-law is in the opposite camp. There are like 40 jillion photos of the last vacation she took with my brother and they aaaaaall look like T. Swift’s. I couldn’t handle it.

You know, when I am having a super intimate romantic celebration with my partner i ALSO hire someone to follow us around with a camera to prove how much we love each other. It enhances the experience.

I think this is a shitstorm of teenager + menopause. My own mom is a year older than Madonna and is going through “the change” and sweet jaysus, I’m glad I live in Belgium and she’s in Indiana....