Sandra Dee

Thank you. Re: the second picture: my kitty does that to me EVERY DAY when I get home and I love it. We have to have Shoulder Time every day.

clearly you have never tasted the ambrosia that is Maple Syrup!

I wrote some very angry and very murderous things that I don’t want to hit “publish” on. So instead here are some cute animals.

FUCK these people and let’s let them lie in bed dying of meningitis and see if they refuse fucking medical care. Reminds me of my religious zealot cousin who refused to get prenatal care and insisted on a half-assed home birth but quickly raced her ass to the hospital when the baby wasn’t breathing and needed a

Just constant Ani Difranco lyrics in rotation with Dave Matthews band. john Mayer had just come out. I thought he was “edgy”. If I had MySpace then it would have been DISGUSTING.


I’m totally prepared to be wrong on this, but as someone who’s reasonably aware of country music i’d never heard of the Feeks and the barrage of publicity surrounding her last days felt really distasteful to me. Like maybe a little munchauseny on the part of the husband and the people performing grief on social media.

A few things.

She’s Polish Catholic, but yeah.

This election has me convinced I never want to find birth family. What if they’re the type of people who would vote for Donald Trump? I was born in South Carolina after all.

Engman feels that she might be a victim of class envy

Cheers to breech babies! Did Kim have Saint turned? I opted not to do this as I read it only has a 50% success rate and I didn’t think it would be worth the pain, trauma, stress and potential emergency c-section. I instead had a scheduled c-section due to breech position.

That made me scream internally

I just want what Britney wants.

Irresponsible speculation- I’m getting a bipolar vibe from Kanye. I hope he is okay.

I teach high school (primarily sophomores and juniors). They do not check their email. Not their personal email. Not their school email. Frequently, they don’t even know the passwords for either!

I refuse to believe that Kourtney Kardashian, a 36 year old college educated mother of 3, went on a date with Justin Motherfucking Bieber. I just simply cannot wrap my brain around this.