Sandra Dee


Here is Kim Howe, the woman Caitlyn Jenner killed with her reckless driving just six months ago.

Wow. Being a dick can really take a toll on your looks.

I am relieved that he was found guilty, but I am, as always, completely against the death penalty.

Noooooo! I love Jimmy Pablum, but my husband can’t stand him, hence the name.

A friend of mine lost the index finger on his right hand a few years ago in a carpentry accident (basically he was on a ladder doing something on a roof with a saw, and the saw, er, slipped. He said it was surreal. He just got down off the ladder and picked up his fingers and put them on ice, very calmly, and had

According to more than one blind item, he is a tool.

How I feel whenever anyone touches me ever.

I would imagine that after licking Kris Jenner’s neck your tongue would taste of fake tanner and regret.


Laws are for plebes.

It’s pretty rich of her to construe a homeland security dude doing his job as “trying to get his 15 minutes” considering she hitched her wagon to an aging alcoholic superstar and hasn’t looked back since.

Hmm. I really didn’t have an opinion on Amber Heard either way until just now. And now I think she’s an ass.

That is such a horrifyingly good book. It’s the reason I won’t take my child there until she’s at least 18 years old.

“We’re living in a society!”

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

With the prize money you think he would have done something about those teeth.

gluten is the best

Miley Cyrus...naked...with a pig.