Sandra Dee

Right? What lead up to this? Is she the only one getting trolled? If so, why was she singled out? I'm getting that feeling I get when I open the book to the middle or start a series in the middle. What came before all this!?

I was going to say they could get away with almost anything on a count of the cute accent, but Tijuana it too far!

I agree - Reese is the friend you want holding your hair as you're puking into a bush outside the bar and assuring the police/on-lookers "She's fine y'all - just had some bad clams!"

Me too. Is FLOTUS just as powerless as the rest of us? Is a hashtag tweet the best we can do?

I'm having complicated feelings about this whole first lady holding a hashtag sign...does it seem a bit off to anyone else? But at the same time I don't want to take anything away from anything at all that might help actually bringing the girls home.

It's odd that you cannot even imagine that a woman might want to destigmatize abortion for any other reason than pissing conservatives off.

I don't know. As a woman in my 50's I think her emphatic insistence that she is still a sexual being can be viewed as kind of revolutionary.


Maybe I have a case of the olds...but where is the Jamie Lee Curtis is actually a hermaphrodite rumor?

Is anyone into James Franco at this point? He just seems like the epitome of "every asshole you dated in grad school who always made a big point of how he was smarter than you even though you had higher grades.....and he finished fast and then didn't notice you hadn't come and talked about how awesome the sex

This is a perfect example of how I have to now click on every celeb-oriented headline to find my beloved Dirt Bag. Please bring the tags back into the functionality of kinja

I'm 38 and work on a college campus where I'm surrounded by 21 year olds and I never have thought "I bet that kid on the soccer team and I would have a lot in common and tons to talk about."

Its too tight in the bust and arm openings. Her poor armpit fat, it never did anything to anyone.

I'm just gonna lump this in with all of the anti-vaxxer, birther, homeshcoolin' Libertarian nonsense that people are into where I live.

So much this. My partner and I can't adopt a dog at the moment for various reasons, so we do short-term foster for rescue dogs right now. We've had five dogs over the last year, all rescues and all gorgeous lovely pups. I have become a rescue dog evangelist and am now totally judgey when anyone I know buys a dog

I once read someone's review of the Wolf of Wall Street, and the critic had quoted John Steinbeck, who once said, "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."


Me, too. Sign me up for garanimals. (I am a million years old.)

Yep, that was beautiful. What a wonderful thing to do for his loved ones. The bit about his children grieving differently was so touching.

Man Ira is sexy. The show must go on...