Sandra Dee


TWICE. It's like he thought "She'll definitely buy it if I send a second pic. Two dick pics make the ladies go wild. It doesn't work unless you send two."

This gif pretty much sums up my feelings:

bahhahahha ALAN ALDAAAA. but how could you leave out the drop-dead sexiest, jeff goldblum??!

Yeah, this isn't all that new. My partner is a lab manager at a medical clinic, several diseases have to be reported to the CDC or some branch thereof, who take over from there and ensure that it doesn't become an outbreak by tracking down and informing possibly infected parties.

I heard that report, and found it puzzling that the implication was that this was a novel idea. My mom and stepfather met cute while working as VD investigators in NYC in the early nineteen eighties. The job described in the NPR piece is just what they did.

I'm glad HIV/STD Partner Services is getting some press, but this is hardly a new idea - contact tracing to promote infection control has been around since the 1950s. Public health departments across the country do this routinely for HIV and syphilis, and many do it for gonorrhea and chlamydia as well. Give thanks to

Another victory for Team Dog!

As a note for anyone who read your comment and isn't aware:

One of my favorite things about Flight of the Conchords was how they wore the same clothes almost every episode.

I nicknamed my Eleanor Nori, long (months) before those Kim & Kanye bastards nicknamed their daughter Nori. We'll see what other nicknames come along. :) I despised my name until I was in my 20's, so I know the routine.


C'mon, why even buy a Ginsu if you're not going to put on demonstrations?

I lived outside of Laramie at the time. In some ways I'm so torn I feel about his death. I mean obviously it was a horrible thing, and shouldn't have happened. But, the hate crime legislation that came out of it was a good thing. On the other hand, it also seemed to give a lot of people the idea that all of Wyoming

I highly doubt there was any Seacrest-fucking in that relationship and it was more like sleepovers, braiding each other's hair and hands in warm water for the first one who falls asleep.

Okay, I'll admit it. I fucking Love Hoda and Kathy Lee. I would love to just be able to have them over daily for drinks and shit from 8-11. We'd have wine (seriously, have you tried sparkling wines with bitters? We'd spend the year trying different combos), do an art project from Pintrest, have a snack, and I'd sleep

Now playing

Choosing a favorite is nearly impossible, but this is the Target:Women video that I have shared the most over the years. I still crack up at "jewelry face." Just a few weeks ago I was wondering what Sarah Haskins is up to these days so this is great news.