Sandra Dee

AND is she bleaching her eyebrows? I expect Madonna to have a strong brown brow to contrast her bleached hair.

Love is a very, very strange thing.

Yeah- that was my thought. Shouldn't there be a middle step for people coming off of doing aid work for Ebola? A period of home quarantine seems entirely reasonable given the incubation period.

That's probably prudent. However, I wish more women were open to this course of treatment, studies have been done in Europe...yada, yada, yada....

Yeah, I started recovering at 5-6 months in. Zofran- the worst. I could.not.poop. when I took it. No amount of Colace would get me going.

As someone who suffered with HG with both of my pregnancies, I'd really like to laugh at joking about her "managing not to upchuck"....just can't. I wouldn't wish HG on my worst enemy. I tried to maintain a veneer of happiness while pregnant, but inside remained in misery.

hahaha, reprimanded. no, it was one of those situations where the Admin Asst was IN CHARGE. You didn't dare cross her. Shudder.

I really think she hated me and wanted to piss me off :( She was probably also angry from her low carb diet.

the nipples! My eyes!

I was lucky to have a private office when both my babies were little and enough autonomy that I could pump when I needed to. However, that didn't mean that my co-workers respected my right to pump. Despite having a nice little sign made up for my (locked) office door that said "pumping in progress" with a pic of a

American here- currently living in Australia. Australians LOVE to name their kids after places in the US & Mexico. Indiana (Indy) is a super popular girl name. I have also heard Memphis for girls and boys. Lots of variations of Cheyenne/Chyan/Shyann. But the worst is Tijuana. REALLY? Are you really going to name your

In my old age, I am confusing Jane Curtain with Jane Pauley. Now THAT would be a good co-anchor for Today.

And who is this normal man she is with?

What a good sport! I was too shy to ask for a pic with him :( regrets.

I got to spend 3 minutes chatting with Ira Glass at an event. Let me tell you- he is just that dreamy. Much taller than you would expect. Nice eyes. Lovely salt and pepper hair. Sigh.

I am weirded out that the Lucas Haas one upsets me. Why do I expect better of him?

Thank you. I work in HIV prevention and get really cranky when writers still won't differentiate properly between HIV and AIDS. Get it right Jezebel.

Fruit roll ups?

That smile. It's just the best. He died on my birthday- his too early death is one that always gets to me.

Please bloggers stop saying anything is "bespoke" and if you picked something out, you didn't "curate" it for god's sake.