Sandra Dee

Yes- This is actually my sister they are interviewing for the story (Hi Sis!) and both of us work in public health. We are puzzled at how this story is being told as a "new service".

Huh. I'm an A.C.O.D. and I just didn't find this amusing. Want to like! True story: I actually own a copy of the book The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce.

Great. Now I have a super crush on Chris Martin. But I hate Coldplay. Conflicted.

I lived in Laramie at the time of Matt's death. The theory has always been among locals that the attack was at least in part drug related. Regardless, it was tragic and remains so. It does not diminish the loving legacy and foundation that the Shephard family has created in his memory.

Man do I love beards, but then I remember that my Dad has a beard and it makes me feel like I have "daddy issues".

This somehow reminded me of dealing with my parents- who had been divorced for most of my life- would just sometimes come up with the most random shit. Recently, my Mom passed away and I found myself needing to get rid of her piano. I posted it's availability on Facebook and not 2 minutes later I got a text from my

I am glad to hear this. I also absolutely disagree with her vaccine stance but I also appreciate "bawdy" women, so I instinctively like her willingness to speak up, her unapologetic sexuality, her humor. Also she clearly loves her son with all her heart.

I kept seeing Emily Blunt as Amy- with lighter hair and an American accent of course.

A few weeks ago my acupuncturist asked me- while he was sticking needles in me- why I was frowning. I told him that I was Norwegian and stoic and that made him laugh and shut up.

She was named after the Nora character in the old Thin Man movie series :)

My daughter's name is Nora. We call her Nori, Nori roll, Nora Bora. Nicknames are meant to be ridiculous :)

It's kinda an Australian Dad thing. I see grown men here on the Sunshine Coast scooting and skateboarding to pick up their kids from school. It is rather endearing.

Yes. Kimpton hotels = Aveda products.

There is something about Will Arnett that I just don't trust.

I have the same genetic code as my grandmother on this one. Flappy large upper arms meant for rolling out cookie dough and lifting babies. Even as a teenager, when I had otherwise starved myself to a size 0 and lifted weights every morning...flap, flap, flap. I am the market for summer weight cardigans.

Much better. I stopped commenting with the previous incarnation. Let's go!

In this picture he looks like an exact combination of Jack and Jack's father on LOST.

Interesting! There are so many neat things in our own backyard. It took me 13 years of living here to finally make it to the old prison, so perhaps soon I can go looking for tipi rings.

Howdy neighbor! (assuming you are also in Laramie). It is so windy there I wouldn't even want to stop for gas, let alone live there. Sucktastic.

That is casting-as-a-young-woman gold!