
To be fair, we also all wish Michelle was our mom, too.

I think everyone kind of wishes, deep down, that Obama was their dad.

The idiots who run Harvard fucked up, and so the students and employees gotta bear the cost? Ok

The problem you have is that this is Harvard. The people that go there are not used to serving anyone at all. The people that go there — legacy, scholarship,and everything in between — are going to be the people that run the country. That program may work for a state school; that’s not going to fly at Harvard.

Am I the only one who has never ever ever heard of Elena Ferrante?

Ugh. It’s just amazing that a presidential fucking candidate could put out a policy so obviously poorly thought out. Not limiting it to maternity leave, and providing for leave for newly adoptive parents is common fucking sense for anyone who thinks about this for more than a minute. What Trump proposed is basically a

Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.

She really hid her Trumposity well for awhile, but no more.

Yes Ivanka, Cosmo readers do and should care about issues impacting women and children (and families of all kinds) which is why they fucking asked you those questions.

Why should he walk away from the money the team signed him for?

I’ll take being called small over passing up $54m to continue trying to play (when I want to keep playing anyway) every day of the week.

Damn Daniel this is outstanding. One of the best things I’ve read during this election cycle. Bravo on an excellent and well-timed piece.

Seems he believes Killary won the election. ILLUMINATI.

Clinton thought that bit about getting money out of politics was really funny. You can read his lips saying “yeah right that’s not going to happen”. Yes, the Rabbi was talking about organization like your Clinton foundation. It’s cute that Bill thought the Rabbi was talking Hillary being the next female President.

Hillary Clinton is perfect for the opposite of what he promotes.

My favorite part of that whole thing was watching Bill Clinton’s reactions throughout. *AWKWARD*

ESPN and Bill Clinton can’t believe Rabbi just had the nerve to say those things while they were gracing him with their power.

Great speech, but damn does Bill Clinton make me want to vomit.

You can put a yarmulke on him all you want for disguise, but I’m pretty sure I just watched Bernie endorse Hillary...

He’s off to a good start. If we could abolish religion too, we’d be in great shape.