
Centers herself and her feelings instead of addressing a legitimate critique. It’s not about you hun.

The entire Republican party minus John McCain and Lindsey fucking Graham are traitors and should be in jail. Period.

The hits keep on coming, don’t they? I’m seriously feeling like I’ll never have a normal and peaceful day again.

Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.

I’ve also met a lot of super well-read assholes.

“If you go home with someone and they don’t own any books, don’t fuck them”

They had to wait for someone to leak it.

please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true

Mormons have proven over and over they are real believers. While I think they are inherently racist, sexist and homophobic I do respect that they stick to their guns in thick and thin and that they also put in a lot of effort to make the world a better place beyond their prejudices.

Yea, I am no fan of the Mormons but good for them for being one of the few Christian sects who took one look at Trump and said “hard pass.” Maybe a few more of the people in this country who claim to love Jesus should go back and read some of the stuff he actually said; none of which would lead you to support Trump.

Fuck that you ‘can do better’ bullshit. Your judgement of status and value is completely superficial.

Seriously. It’s sad how reductively racist some people are about interracial dating.

Do you realize how much more asinine that makes your comment?

So she’s dated this guy for awhile but you, who have never met either of these people, have decreed that she can do better. Your high horse, get off of it.

It’s a good thing Williams has all these random internet strangers to tell her what’s best for her own relationships and personal life.

It’s a generally decent place with a few infamously awful forums. There are over 800,000 individual subreddits (forums) on the site. Most of those are full of normal people looking for recipes, discussing their favorite fandoms, getting help with sewing projects, talking about their relationship problems,

Let’s not for a second pretend like we actually know any of these people.

I love how you feel qualified to judge the suitability of a spouse for someone you have never met. So amazingly patronizing.

I mean, sure, she could probably find some gold-digging asshole.